i'm just a crazy gemmy...that about sums up everything, methinks...;)...
Amanda --
A master of storytelling
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com---more than you ever wil need (or want) to know about moi---
~my hair is exactly 25 and one quarter inches long
~i named my first cat Zachary even though she was a girl because i was a three year old flower girl who had fallen in love with the ring bearer named Zach :)
~my eyes change color with my mood and the weather, although most of the time they are a variant of jade or olive
~i do not like the letter J
~my favorite number is five
~i am addicted to coffee
~a crow once tried to get into the FHS library because it saw me sitting there in poetry class
~I love tomatoes, but i don't like anything made out of tomatoes
~the opposite is true of milk...i like things made out of milk, but milk alone makes me ill
~i find it extremely hard to listen to a song i like without at least mouthing the words and getting all into it...and i can't sing
~i love to crochet
~my favorite movie is gone with the wind
~my favorite language at the moment is russian, but i am finding it difficult to learn
~i laugh very very loud....extremely loud...and when i start laughing, i usually can't stop
~i have been known to burst into giggles for absolutely no reason and to continue giggling and laughing for more than three hours
~i walk in my sleep
~i talk in my sleep as well
~i once tried to make kolache in my sleep, but i was stopped in time...and then i argued in my sleep that i HAD to make the kolache NOW...didn't remember any of it until the story was relayed to me the next morning
~i'm a really bad cook...i tend to burn things because i am impatient
~i love chinese food
~spicy food gives me a headache
~people tend to ask me for advice...all the time
~i don't know why, but i don't mind
~me and my gramz are a lot alike, and when we are together, life becomes one big huge joke and everything becomes funny
~which reminds me...i want a mole on my neck....tee-hee...even a fake one to put on just for one big old practical joke
~i have a lot of people who have 'adopted me' as family....again...i have no clue why
~i do not understand why so many people think of me as cool, and quite frankly it amuses me
~i do not take complitments well at all--they tend to put me on guard
~i am blind as a bat (and yes, i am aware that they are not technically blind)
~spiders seem to hunt me down...seriously...i was once bitten by this giant spider over twenty-five times in my basement not bothering anyone while my brother was next to me and never even got nibbled on
~i am the oldest of three...and everyone always thinks my sister is my daughter...grr
~i fell in love with steak and worchestershire potato chips the other day
~i love french fries and ranch dressing
~people tend to grate on my nerves
~people think i'm smart....that is a common misconception ;)
~i love to design and make things and have become quite good at it, even if i do say so myself
~i am in the process of learning spanish, russian, italian, french, german, ASL, arabic, and latin
~i love to argue
~and use big words
~i love to read plays
~i still have my wig from OUAM :D
~i'm going to go back and filch the hot pink feather duster as well
~i'm glad i'm quitting this now....i believe i've written too much crap about myself, but you know what....it's my page and i'll do what i want...hehe
I adopted a cute lil' pirate fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!Congratulations, you're Ingrid Bergman! You're
sophisticated and stylish. You want to find
love, and don't care what people think of you.
You like films with a bit of mystery thrown in.
That makes romance fun!
Which Classic Actress Are You? (yes, another one)
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