ELLIE IS AMAZING!!! Tattoos, piercings, music, sunshine, people, bein a chef, belt buckles, bein outside, Bizarre Mag, newspaper cuttings, friday nites, mischief, DOWNLOAD,motorbike racing, street basketball, gud drawings, subway, restaurants, reading, making crazy new friends, meeting old friends, getting really wasted! and most definatly chattin shit!
every1 n anyone! as long as your not boring i wana meet u!
is the most imortant thing in my life! without it i wouldnt know wot to do! 36 Crazyfists will eat u! and so will FULL CIRCLE, Pennywise, Strung Out, Deftones, Rancid, Hed p.e, Throwdown, Sikth, One Minute Silence, Hatebreed!! thers sooo many artists out there that theres no way i could put them all in this little box so ur just gonna have to find them urself!
billions upon billions of random films makes me happy!
books are gud cuz u can get lost in ur own little world! u all need to read Phillip Pullmans Dark Trilogy. These are the best books i have ever had the privilege of readin.
anyone who is true to themselves!!CALVIN! a hero 2 all!!!