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Logan Glen Cox

Logan Glen Norris. That has a nice ring to it.

About Me

I hope to someday become a dwarf sheppard. No not a sheppard that is a dwarf and herds sheep. I want to herd flocks of dwarfs. I would be good at it. I would lie my life down for those dwarfs.

Myspace Layouts at Pimp-My-Profile.com / Jean Claude Van Damme

My Interests

I have a real passion for tie-dye muscle shirts. Not just regular tie-dye muscle shirts but ones that have western themes. You know like a tie-dye muscle shirt with a cow skull decorated with feather in the center. Or maybe just an eagle head in the middle. Oh! or mabye a cougar head! That would be cool!

I'd like to meet:

Verne Troyer, Billy Ray Cyrus, John Cena, and that lady in the NordicTrak Eliptical commercial (I think I'm in love!)To the Phenomenal Gayness

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I like to rock out to classic rock. A little ACDC, a little Journey, a little Def Leppard a little Christina Aguilara, you know... the good stuff. I also love me some Tim McGraw, some Kenny Chesney, and some Toby Keith. Yeeeeeeehhhaaaaaaa!


Anything with cobras and dwarfs. Seperate is good, together is like Christmas.


All I have is PBS. I love the Antique Road Show. My Father and I enjoy the Antique Road Show very much. I also must say that I have become a fan of professional wrestling once again. I just love it. It's also great conversation for me and my elementary kids.


I really don't read much. I read everything they made me read in school. I did read The Autobiography of Malcolm X. It was great it changed my life.


Anyone who wears a muscle shirt in the winter time or a mesh muscle shirt anytime of year, and Julia, because she could pull off the mesh muscle shirt anytime anywhere.

My Blog

Derek Fisher

    Here I am again at my bloggal.  I never had one before and I've never had a journal, and to me this is kind of like a journal.  When I'm inspired I sit down and write, but...
Posted by Logan Glen Cox on Thu, 10 May 2007 02:02:00 PST

It feels like the first time.........

So I lost my bloggal virginity not too long ago and now I'm back for more!  It just felt so good the first time! Ahhh!  Anyways,  I find it very ironic that most people don't see me as ...
Posted by Logan Glen Cox on Fri, 27 Apr 2007 12:17:00 PST

My Bloggal Virginity

I've never blogged before.  I guess you could say I'm a blog virgin.  Well, not anymore.  Is that it?  That's all?  The loss of my bloggal viriginity was a little disappointin...
Posted by Logan Glen Cox on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:17:00 PST