Haptic Septic profile picture

Haptic Septic

I am here for Friends

About Me

The ideal master controls himself, so that he might control his submissive. He will, as stern dominant, cause tears to flow, and, as lover, kiss them away. An unashamed romantic, he cherishes his submissive lady. Yet always, he remains aware of the difference between fantasy and reality. When there is need he is ready to leave the roles behind to be a friend.
He understands that to own a woman, one must court the mind with intelligence and humor; win the spirit with compassion and warmth; and take the body with determined strength. He is old-fashioned enough to be gallant and chivalrous. Naturally protective, he would fight for his lady's honor. He understands and accepts the differences between men and women, but is modern enough to know there is no inferiority to it.
He is the honorable sadist who uses pain to extend the bounds of pleasure, vigilant that no harm comes of the hurt. He is the mentor and guide who takes his lady into flight, the wind beneath her wings and her tether to the earth. Enveloping the submissive in his strength, he lends her the courage to reach new heights.
The good dominant is not lazy, mentally or physically. He researches carefully his toys of choice. He seeks out those having the skills and knowledge to teach him to use those toys properly. Then, he practices each skill he would have, whip to cane. Trusting nothing to chance, he tests everything first on his own body.
He is patient enough to learn his submissive well. Aware of the fragile nature of the human mind and spirit, he would not violate those entrusted to his keeping. He knows that submission to him will deepen as trust grows and control will extend as affection increases.
Confident in his dominance, he has no need of silly posturing. He accepts titles as tokens of respect and kneeling as outward expression of genuine feeling. He has no desire to cheapen these by compelling as ritual. He understands that the compliance that comes out of fear of punishment is weak at best. While the obedience engendered from real submissive feeling and the desire to please one's master is unequivocal.
He is secure enough to laugh at himself and the absurdities of life, courageous enough to accept assistance, open-minded enough to learn new things, and strong enough to grow. His tools are mind, body, spirit, and soul, with assistance from whip, chain, and blindfold. He understands that each partner gains from pleasuring the other. Most of all, he knows love as the only chain that truly binds.
Exerpt from:
Phillip Miller & Molly Devon. Screw the Roses, Send Me the Thorns ; The Romance and Sexual Sorcery of Sadomasochism, 1st. ed / Mystic Rose Books

My Interests

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My Blog

Charter Job Fair

JOB FAIR-2009 Wednesday, March 11, 20093:00 pm-7:00 pm941 Charter Commons Drive COME MEET OUR TEAM!!!!! If you have a technical /computer aptitude and customer service/sales experience we are looking ...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Mar 2009 08:26:00 GMT

Confusion before the election?

I'm a little confused. Let me see if I have this straight& If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic" and "different". Grow up in Alaska eating moose burgers; you're an...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 16:10:00 GMT

You Better Check Yourself!

This is the most awesome site I think I have ever found.  It is a non-partisan political fact site that their only agenda is to make sure everybody knows the truths among the lies.  Take a m...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 18:33:00 GMT

Less Than 3 Weeks Left!!!

Just wanted to give you all a reminder that you MUST register for my kickball team by August 25th.  If we do not reach the minimum requirement of 14 players by that date our team will be dropped...
Posted by on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 15:50:00 GMT

Fall Kickball. Register Now!!!

Ok, team Test Eagles is all set up and ready for you to register.  We only have a few slots left so if you're wanting to play go to www.stlbigballs.com and sign up under my team.  Please em...
Posted by on Thu, 10 Jul 2008 15:05:00 GMT

Free spiderman kid couch

Anybody have a kid that would want this?  I found it in the dumpster so it is a little dirty.  Nothing a little fabrick cleaner couldnt take care of.  All you gotta do is come pick it u...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jun 2008 09:20:00 GMT

Kickball money correction.

I read some more on the website (www.stlbigballs.com) and I don't have to collect the registration dues myself.  Once I register the team you are then able to go on the site yourself and select m...
Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 17:09:00 GMT

Join my fall Kickball Team!

I am working on forming a kickball team for league this fall.  I need 14-20 people who can dedicate themselves to be at Tower Grove park every sunday in September/October.  Spaces are filli...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 18:47:00 GMT

Moving again (reminder)

Just wanted to remind everybody (that plans to help) that I am moving nest Sunday June, 15 2008.If you plan to help me move my stuff, please be at the house at 10am to start loading the truck.
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:40:00 GMT

Moving again (schedule)

Ok, So I have my U-Haul reservation set for pickup at 9am on Sunday June 15th.  If you are actually planning to help me move, it would be best if you arrived at the Hogg House before 10am that da...
Posted by on Thu, 22 May 2008 20:19:00 GMT