CALCULUS, OH CALCULUS!" By Denis Gannon (1940-1991) may be sung to "Oh, Christmas Tree" Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, How tough are your two branches. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, To pass, what are my chances? Derivatives, I cannot take, At integrals my fingers shake. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, How tough are your two branches.Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, Your theorems I can't master. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, My proofs are a disaster. You pull a trick out of the air, Or find a reason, God knows where. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, Your theorems I can't master.Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, Your problems do distress me. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, Related rates depress me. I cut out boxes in my sleep, And max and min do make me weep. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, Your problems do distress me.Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, My limit I am reaching. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, For mercy, I'm beseeching. My grades do not approach a B, They're just an epsilon from D. Oh, Calculus; Oh, Calculus, My limit I am reaching... -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!
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Phone Number TrickGet a calculator. (You won't be able to do this one in your head)First Key in the first three digits of your phone number (NOT the area code)Then Multiply by 80Next Add 1Then Multiply by 250Next Add the last 4 digits of your phone numberThen Add the last 4 digits of your phone number again.Next Subtract 250Lastly Divide number by 2Do you recognize the answer?
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