Ashley profile picture


What the F**k is going on!!???

About Me

/style/Ok my name is Ashley Marie but can call me Ash if you wanna I guess ....I am from Pennsylvania and I now live in's quite the change I ended up being made fun of for like two years for my accent ...but I guess it receded because nobody mentions it anymore...I work in a nursing home...which is good cause I think I can communicate better with the elderly ....probably because I'm boring or something I don't know.....And I have absolutely no clue what else to type here so I'm just gonna stop while i'm ahead ok!!!Bye!!

My Interests

Well let me see........I'm interested in .....going on vacation......partying while I am on vacation.....I don't wanna go too far away I think I will stick to traveling the Northeastern states....I'm afraid to fly in a airplane...cause they crash and when they do you least in a car it's 50/50....I'll fly in a plane when I get atovan as a prescription So until then I'm gonna drive....

I'd like to meet:

You!!! Unless your scary..then I don't wanna meet you............................please....!


I like Rock......classic rock .....alternative....I like a little of everything .....Rock is just my preference.....


I like movies....Most Movies anyway I like chick movies cause I am a chick.....I like other movies though too I guess I'll watch everything and if I don't like it I'll just daydream and pretend I'm somewhere else doing something else making you think that I'm really liking it when the truth is I'm like Yeah this sucks!!!!


There isn't much on t.v. so I'm not that into it...I can tell you I hate sleeping with it on cause the tv will be like hey and I will wake up and be like what's going's annoying


I like to read....I like to read thrillers...or fantasy....or whatever looks good I guess....I'd much rather read then watch television.....


You Are, you already knew that though didn't you?????