My wife, my child, my dogs, and my "space". Also no coast studios... cause it's my dream. Beer. Oh and buffalo wings... yeah with ranch sauce! And maybe some fried mushrooms... or calamari. Maybe a steak, grilled medium rare smothered in mushrooms... yeah and potatoes... what was the question?
some people that I have NOT met yet. yes that sounds about right.
THE FIFTH ELEMENT. Anchorman, Grandma's Boy, and that one I made of your mom, 40 year old virgin, and every comic book movie ever made... mostly. Lots of vampire stuff. I don't like boring crap. Every movie needs explosions, comedy, nudity if it fits with the movie (Bloodrayne WTF?), and don't forget the violence.
Lost, The Office, Smallville, Heroes, Family Guy. I also like funny commercials.
Mostly comics but every now and then a novel slips in there. Just finished the DaVinci Code, and it was fabulous, the movie however was not.
Lou Ferigno, because he charges fan boys 40$ a pop for an autograph, and they pay it. My wife, the strongest person that I know, and pirates, I love pirates, I want to be a pirates. And I will drink rum naked on a boat, and if another boat comes up to my boat... well I think that I'll have to be a nice pirate, and invite them aboard for naked rum drinking. Yeah.