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I am here for Dating and Serious Relationships

About Me

Let me tell you who I am, and what I believe in. If your reading this then you must want to know. I am a right-wing, meat-eating, gun-carrying, conservative nut-job. That being said I dont follow every tenement my republican brothers and sisters stand for but they do encompass the vast majority of my personal beliefs. I believe that freedom of religion means all religions, not just the Judeo-Christian masses. I also believe that freedom of religion means freedom FROM religion. I believe that a woman should be allowed to have control over her own body. She should be entitled to have an abortion and not feel guilty about it, especially in instances of rape and incest. I believe that marriage is a state of the heart and that if two women or two men want to be married then noone has the right to tell them no. A real marriage is more than a piece of paper and love is hard enough to find in this crazy world. I believe that society is safer when criminals dont know who is armed. To that extent every law-abiding citizen should be entitled to carry concealed weapons without a permit. I believe that we need stronger penalties for criminals. I believe criminals no longer fear the law because it has become too soft, too weak. We have lawyers who study CRIMINAL justice instead of VICTIM justice. I do not believe you need to spend your life in pious worship to some invisile deity, inside a building, confessing greivances to some religious authority. I dont care what you want to call it, God or Goddess, Muhammed, Allah, Jesus, Buddha, Vishnu, The Great Spirit, or even Satan, as long as you live your life the best you can and dont violate the three codes of behavior, DO NOT RAPE, KILL, or STEAL, then your an O.K. person in my book. I dont like drugs nor do I use them, nor have I ever even tried them. Not out of some morally upright standpoint that I'm better than those who have, I just never had the desire. Personally, I dont care if someone uses drugs or not. I think the war on drugs is a waste of time and the country should legalize drugs, sell them, and cut the drug-dealers out of their profits. I've never been married, and dont have any kids. I came close once and I'm grateful now that it didnt work out. I believe that the four cardinal virtues of the individual are courage, honesty, temperance, wisdom, and that the true measure of success is service rendered to country and to mankind. I believe that the fundamental problem of society is to maintain a free government wherein liberty may be secured through obedience to law and that a citizen soldier is the cornerstone upon which such a government must rest. I believe that real education presupposes a sense of proportion in physical mental or moral developments and that he alone is educated who has learned the lessons of self-control and openmindedness. I believe that these tenents must find expressions while men are taught to be loyal to duly constituted authority in thought and word and deed. To view suffrage as a sacred privelidge to be excercised only in accodrance with the dictates of concience. To view public office as a public trust. Finnally to fight and if need be to die in defense of the cherished institutions of America. If your still interested in talking to me, shoot me an email. If your not, have a nice life.

My Blog

A Serious House On Serious Earth

OH, YES!Fill the churches with dirty thoughts!Introduce honesty to the White House!Write letters in dead languages to people you've never met!Paint filthy words on the foreheards of children!Burn your...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 11:22:00 GMT

My Goals in Life

Ok, so I was watching "Everybody Loves Raymond" last night.  In the show, Ray was going through his mid-life crisis.  Long story short, he wrote out a list of goals he wanted to accompl...
Posted by on Sat, 28 Jun 2008 15:18:00 GMT