I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
The last few years have been very challenging. I've learned a lot about myself. I love my family. My Mom, Tony, Angie and Gabe are extremely important to me. My girlfriend Jodi is the best friend and partner I could ask for. I love all of you very much. No matter what happens, the people I love don't ever have to question my loyalty. Sometimes things get very hard, but we're all learning, and in time we'll figure it out.
But with all that said, I haven't lost my sense of humor. I try to laugh as much as possible. If I can make light of a situation, I will.
I finally have a band together that I'm truly excited about. They are great friends and players.
I have a farm's worth of animals: 2 dogs, 2 cats, 2 hamsters, 3 fish, 2 frogs, and a snail named spike.
There's more, but you can ask if you want to know.
Here's to finding our way...Michael
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
Christopher Walken, U2, My daughter
My Blog
New lyrics
As you:
Swing on your emotions
Questioning your methods
You will hang on a thread
Until the wind takes you away
All of your friends are bound tightly
They squirm a little here and th... Posted by on Fri, 22 Apr 2005 19:35:00 GMT