Katie: I love you so much. You are my everything. You have made me change in a way I never thought physically possible. You have made a huge impact in my life and I never want you out of it now! I know that no matter what we will always be together thru thick and thin. You are my life and future. I love our late night talks before we sleep. I love holding you in my arms while were watching tv. Your amazing and I'm going to be with you forever no matter what! No matter what you or anyone tells me or does, I will be with you forever! You are my one and only true love! I've never known love like this! Your are so amazing! From your soft lips to the adorable looks you give alot! Your the most perfect girl woman a guy can ask for and I love you so much. I know that with you I will never be hurt or lonely ever again. Soon we will have kids and be married! I can't wait for that day to come! You will forever be in my heart! We've been thru so much, and even my mom is happy for us, which coming from her is a surprise. We are also so close to having our own place, something I've never thought about before with anyone! I'm so happy to be with you! I can't wait to get married to you! I've got such a briht future now that I'm with you. I love you for now and forever!
I love you baby-cakes!
Forever & Eternity!
(more to come)