This is from Floorpunch:
This is an email I got from filip from powered records aprox. Three weeks before we were supposed to leave for europe.
Hey, I have bad news, i have to cancel the tour cuz i just can't commit myself to booking tours anymore, i'm super busy with work and i'm gonna be out of the country around that time too(cuz of work). work pays my bills, hardcore doesn't. I had to make a choice. I'm really sorry to let you guys down, i take all the blame, i'm really sorry. It's def better to cancel the tour then do a half assed tour cuz i didn't had enough time to promote the tour etc... Sorry... F
Were extremely sorry for anyone who is inconvenienced by this. We hope to get over there at a later date. We tried to put things together with avacado booking but the descrepancies were to great, too last minute. Airfair hadn't been purchased like we thought it had been and now its not financially feasable to do this.
Again we are very sorry, and we will be over in the near future.
Mark porter
They are currently arranging a new tour for February 2010, and the London date will still take place at The Peel with the same line-up. Original tickets will still be valid. When the date is confirmed I will let everyone who has already bought a ticket know, and tickets will be posted out in December. If you can't make the new date when it is announced please contact me for a refund.Sorry for any inconvenience,Lydia