I like cold beer, hot wings, wranglers, skoal rings...just kidding. I am a whiskey drinkin' ass kickin' BAMF!!! It is my firmest belief that city folk have no idea what they are missin' and country folk don't have any idea how good we got it. Ask yourself...what is more fun. A city party, watchin a bunch of hopped up little kids with fake ID's swing around glow sticks and puke on everything while listening to "Musak" way too loud, or would you rather be out in the back 40 on a cool fall night, lighting a bonfire you can see from outer freakin' space. Sippin' whiskey, drinkin' cold beer out of a tapper, smokin' a little mother nature, and listing to Bocephus crankin' out Family Tradition through the Kracko speakers in somebody's pick-up truck, after you been out all day riding the four wheelers? I think it's a pretty easy choice.
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