I'm always up for meeting interesting, intelligent and thoughtful people. We don't have to agree on anything, but please have a coherent rationale for what you believe! I'm always willing to be proven wrong and learn something new.
If you are liberal, we will probably have a lot in common as far as morality and spirituality goes. If you are artistic, I will likely admire you for your talent! It's the closest thing we have to magic in this world.
Just in case any females are reading this (HA!): I like (in no particular order) STYLE, confidence, informed opinions, well-formed eyebrows, boots, a quick wit, great taste in music, technological-savvy, curviness, a warm smile..being adventurous, well-read, untanned, an appreciator of fine dining, creative, liberal, socially-conscious, silly and seductive.
Sorry ladies! I'm spoken for. :-D