Corey profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

How would I describe myself? Well, I think easy-going liberal non-PC intellectual rabblerouser pretty much covers it. I am also a dyed-in-the-wool introvert, so constant socializing and yakkin' on the phone is not high on to-do list. I generally fill the time most people waste on idle chit-chat with thought, which I believe gives me a leg up on the competition as far as meaningful conversations go.
Politics are VERY important to me. We live in a dangerous time where are freedoms are being eroded by the enemies of democracy (read: our current administration, the Bush Crime Family). Hopefully you recognize that this is exactly how fascist regimes begin: imaginary threats from outside invaders are used as justification for stripping away your rights as citizens of this country. Just reading Orwell's "1984" if you need some obvious parallels...
I like to think of myself as somewhat of a foodie, but honestly my palate is woefully underexposed due to growing up in a meat-and-potatoes family. I really need some help gettin' educated! However, I would not say I'm TOTALLY helpless, as I can and HAVE actually cooked my fair share of meals. (That cilantro salmon the other night came out pretty damn tasty if I do say so myself...)
I guess the oddest thing about me is I don't believe in acting my age. I still enjoy cartoons, comic books and video games just as much (probably more!) than when I was a kid. People often mistake me for being up to 10 years younger than I actually am, and I think a lot of that is simply attitude. I refuse to act like a boring adult who has the dead-end job/marriage, 2.5 kids, house out in the suburbs and does nothing but go to work and watch TV everyday. Life is about new experiences and learning new things. If you couldn't guess, I get bored easily!
Music is a huge part of my life. I used to play clarinet and saxophone in high school, and now current dabble a bit in keyboards. I love going to shows and listening to live music. My favorite bands tend to reside in the industrial genre--which is an extreme, obscure, experimental and abrasive form of music. In fact, most would be hard pressed to call it as such, but there's something about atonality, dissonance and non-organic sounds that really float my boat. On the selfish side of things, I also dig the fact the shows are cheap and generally intimate affairs (read: SMALL). Some other stuff I like: New Wave, Britpop, Punk, Goth, Shoegazer, Synthpop, Techno, "Alternative" (back when the word meant something) and many others.
A few other artistic pursuits I indulge in: photography (just invested in high-end prosumer camera/lens combo), writing (short stories, poetry, album reviews, interviews) and drawing (the occasional doodle). I also like to play with Photoshop and mess around in webdesign.
Religion: I grew up religious, and took many philosophy and religion courses in college. I guess you could say that I've always been search for some underlying meaning to reality, or some kind of unifying force or consciousness that holds it all together. Recently I've been reading a lot of pro-atheism books, particularly Richard Dawkins' "The God Delusion." Because I have always been a very literal-minded and rational person, I'm leaning more and more towards the idea that there really is no "God" with a capital "G." Any sort of serious examination of the Bible reveals too many glaring contradiction, as well as a deity that seems to take pleasure in torturing and killing his creations. Science and evolution do a more than adequate job of explaining how we got here and why we behave the way we do--at least much more so than an ancient, retranslated book based on myths predating its own religious movement.
I guess that covers me in a nutshell. If you are one who takes astrology seriously, I can tell you now that I fit most of the Virgoian traits to a tee.
Has man-crush on:
Raymond Watts of Pig, Schaft, KMFDM
Andy LaPlegua of Combichrist/Icon of Coil/Panzer AG
Long-standing lust object:.. ..
Toni Halliday of Curve!
Grammar Nazi
Rationality Uber Alles

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I'm always up for meeting interesting, intelligent and thoughtful people. We don't have to agree on anything, but please have a coherent rationale for what you believe! I'm always willing to be proven wrong and learn something new.

If you are liberal, we will probably have a lot in common as far as morality and spirituality goes. If you are artistic, I will likely admire you for your talent! It's the closest thing we have to magic in this world.

Just in case any females are reading this (HA!): I like (in no particular order) STYLE, confidence, informed opinions, well-formed eyebrows, boots, a quick wit, great taste in music, technological-savvy, curviness, a warm smile..being adventurous, well-read, untanned, an appreciator of fine dining, creative, liberal, socially-conscious, silly and seductive.

Sorry ladies! I'm spoken for. :-D

My Blog

Now it makes sense...

Posted by on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 08:10:00 GMT

Japanese Boob Claw Machine

Sounds like a great name for a Noize band. Anyway, here you go...
Posted by on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:51:00 GMT

Pet Shop Boys: Love, Etc.

Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 20:32:00 GMT


Tell me this wouldn't make you wet your pants if you were a kid... Even so, it's pretty darn scary! (At first I thought it was an elaborate animatronic...but SPOILER... ...look at the leg...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 10:59:00 GMT

Getting paid for blogging?

I've been checking out some get rich quick sche--er, business opportunities online and have found that some folks have had some luck with paid blogging. Of course, you can only make real money having ...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 15:28:00 GMT

Change We Can Gradually Believe In

Works better for me than Obama, quite honestly.
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 09:42:00 GMT

Economic suckage

Yeah, the economy sucks...I'm just glad I have a job at this point!However, life is not easy. My rent has gone up $100 is the last year, and I did not get a cost-of-living increase this year. I live p...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 17:08:00 GMT

Valentine's Video

Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 18:20:00 GMT

RIP Lux Interior ip/I was a latecomer to this's the first song I heard by them:
Posted by on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 17:43:00 GMT

Cookie Monster Cupcake

This is pretty clever...
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 17:37:00 GMT