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I am here for Dating and Friends

About Me

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ïòð beth is a radioactive squirrel!!
From i am Beth, aka, Beeth, Baylor, B, bethlehem...etc etc. I don't take myself too seriously, have a short attention span for work, have a worryingly bad memory, and lack commensense to the extreme. I suck my thumb still, dont know why but i dont have buck teeth so i aint gunna stop now!i am on my gap year and am in interning at a fashion school in italy with a girl called ruth who is wicked, until october, then i hope to come back to the UK at the mass of christ, and earn some money to pay to go to Fiji with one of my best mates olli! after that who knows, hopefully exeter uni to have the much needed uni experience!i have loads of great friends and i especially love hannah and becki and of course my lil sis Marthe!!!!! i adore her.dont think i could live without music as it is the soundtrack to my life! corny, but true.
B Boisterous
E Elitist
T Technological
H Hot
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From Go-Quiz.comi hope to never truly upset anyone, but at the same time, i wont pretend to like you if i dont. you cant please everyone all of the time. i hate people like that.i absolutely cannot stand feet..i have such a problem with them that if u put urs anywhere near me, i will not rest until i know they are safely tucked away back in their shoes. no joke. i really hate them, they r rank. Also witches freak me out big time, give me gore anyday, just not witches.Don't like cats, love dogs, could be something to do with the fact that a cat scratched me on the eye when i was younger..if i had to be a cartoon character id probably be Dory from finding nemo. she is me.i like honesty, passion, originality and most of all humour in people and i love people who are down to earth and just up for a laugh. Boredom is not an option.recent events have also taught me that life is way too short to worry, so if you want something, grab it, n just get on n do it!

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MySpace Layouts my soul mate, anyone called Hamish, Will Ferrrel, Steve Coogan, Harold Bishop, Jack Black, The Kooks, Kylie, Beyonce,Dashboard Confessionals, All American Rejects, Muse Jake Gyllenhaal, Jonny Depp, Paul Walker, Paris Hilton, Jack Black, Jim Carry, Charlotte Church, Sharon Osbourne, Christina Aguilera
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