The Living End Forums profile picture

The Living End Forums

A Regular Joe Now On Parade

About Me

This is the forum's own myspace profile. This is not run by the band or their management team. It is run by forumers, for forumers.

Make sure you tell your friends to add us, but: DON'T ADD US IF YOUR JUST OUT TO BOOST YOUR FRIEND COUNT!

If you are in a band that have no influences from TLE, or is of a different genre to TLE, please don't add us. Add us if your a fan of the band and or you post on the forums.

And if you leave a comment for us, make sure its not advertising ringtones and other crap like that.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Anyone really. Brian Setzer would be cool.
The Living End - Rising Sun


The Living End, Stray Cats, Brian Setzer, Wild Turkey, The Detonators, The Black Keys, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stoneage, Zombie Ghost Train, Anything Rockabilly/Psychobilly. Alternative and a whole lot more


Tooo many to list here.


Anything good really. No reality stuff like Big Brother or Australian Idol.



Chris Cheney, Scott Owen, Andy Strachan

My Blog


The Living End's album "State of Emergency" is now available over at You can purchase individual songs or the entire album, and check out some new music while you're there! DOWNLOAD...
Posted by The Living End Forums on Fri, 12 Jan 2007 08:13:00 PST