Junk Hustler is a rock band from Warsaw (Poland). People who create JH are: Pawel (lead vocal), Dominika (bass), Marek (guitar, backing vocal), Marcin (guitar) and Norbert (drums). In such composition the band plays since September 2007 but its beginnings date back to 1994. The name “Junk Hustler†also emerged a long, long time ago and was inspired by lyrics of one of Slash’s Snakepit’s song.
Present repertoire of the band consists of the compositions from a demo recorded in 2004 and of some new songs composed mostly in the last few months. Apart from the demo, the band recorded a totally amateur video clip to song “Kapskoâ€.
Junk Hustler took first place in a not very prestigeous “Review of Rock Bands in Warsaw 2005â€. Apart from that the band played a few other live performances. One of them is worth mentioning due to an interesting localization: the remand centre in Bialoleka (Warsaw). Each year Junk Hustler takes part in a very popular in Poland charity event called “Wielka Orkiestra Swiatecznej Pomocy (The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity)â€.
Now Junk Hustler works on compositions for a new demo. The work goes in a quite relaxed way as all JH members have to reconcile playing in the band with their professional duties. Despite this problems and after many personal transformations the band still plays and is not going to stop. ____________________________________________________________
_Zespol Junk Hustler tworzy 5 osob: Pawel (Stachu), Dominika, Marek, Marcin i Norbert. Kapela w takim skladzie funkcjonuje od ok. wrzesnia 2007. Obecny repertuar kapeli to kilka nowych utworow powstalych na przestrzeni ostatniego polrocza, a takze starsze, ktore pochodza z ich pierwszego dema nagranego w 2004 r. Oprocz dema, na swoim koncie kapela ma zrealizowany wlasnym sumptem w pelni amatorski wideoklip do utworu „Kapskoâ€. Zespol Junk Hustler zajal I miejsce „w malo znaczacym†Przegladzie Kapel Rockowych w 2005 r. Jak dotad kapela zagrala kilkanascie koncertow w tym jeden wart wspomnienia ze wzgledu na nietypowosc miejsca, a mianowicie: w zakladzie karnym w Warszawie. Co rocznie Junk Hustler bierze udzial w WOSP grajac tu i owdzie male koncerty. Obecnie, kapela bez stresowo pracuje nad nowym materialem godzac swoje osobiste obowiazki z udzielaniem sie w kapeli, a takze pokonuje liczne przeksztalcenia personalne dzieki czemu zaloga pod szyldem Junk Hustler istnieje juz bardzo dlugo bo od ok. 1994 r.