I'd like to meet:
Welcome to the “Desolate Angel’s profile ”, I’m (Gothic/Fetish/Punk/Art), Enjoy your Stay :)This is a space for friends of mine to gather and ask questions, talk andjust have fun, i only have a few rules, be kind to each other and Post! ask as many questions as you want i make it a point to answer everyone thanks so much for your support, you guys rock :) Also there are photos available in this space that are no longer on my website so feel free to browse through... ... My name is Beth. I love more than anything in this world. I do modeling in my spare time but not professionally it's just a hobby. I have 2 tattoos and one piercing.. I have an eye of horus on my upper arm that I am going to turn into a 1/2 sleeve eventually, I have an angel with Eric Draven’s face on my tit, and another angel on my arm I have some stars in my body and neck.... Aside from the I like to work on my profile .I play paint…. I collect comic books expecially Dark comics…. I also love collecting all Brandon Lee’s movies …. I am not much of a club person so I rarely go out but I do love going to some party on saturday nights and hanging out in the city some at 2am drunk off jack and being an ass lol. I do a lot of DIY stuff with clothing and accessories. I love to go thrifting and buy stuff and bring it home and make it my own little creation. I am obsessed with 70's fashion, I just love it. It was so bright, wild, fun and anything goes. I have a very big heart for animals.Expecially cats… I seem to have more compassion towards animals then I do human beings. My house isn’t a regular zoo because I can't ...it's so small... =( I have 2 cats so cutes. When I was younger I used to want to be a Vet but I realized I couldn't stand to put an animal down or to see all the abused animals on a daily basis, half of them would probably end up coming home with me. With my friends I am the total group clown I love laughing and making others laugh to but don't get me wrong I am also a brutally honest bitch and will put you in your place before you can even breathe. I don't take shit, I stand up for myself and those I love to no end. I will argue with you until we are both blue in the face if I know I'm right…..Other things I loves....I'm a sweet person , Paranoic ,Too much sensitive , Confused , Too much altruist , Fragile , Sweetheart , Uncertain , Totally not rations , kid , living a dream , Romantic only on paper , Two personality in same body , Crazy , Totally employee from music of the NEGATIVE , In love for Sir Christus more than anyone other to this world , Dream too much , I love too much but I do not know makes me love , Self-destructive and not only physically ...........I haven’t no more to babbles, if you wanna know other ...just ask me!
Impulsive , Psicopatic , I don’t succeed to forget the past , Sir Christus , Jonne Aaron , Matthau Mikojan , Bloodpit , Brandon Lee ,The Crow , Fairys , HANGMAN'S JOKE, Angels , Skulls , Love Pink color , Love Black color , Dragons , Fantacy Art , Love ,Incense Oriental ,China , Japan , Decorations , Nights , Make Up , Candles , Gothic , Animals , Cats , Rain , Rage , Boys with Long hair , Piercing ,Tattoos, Willy Wonka and the Chocolate , Preparing for Halloween , Hiding ,Silent Tears, Melancholy , My magic world , Evanescence , Amy Lee, Night 'n Day Cycle, St. Valentine's Day ,Queers ,Dolls, Guys , Make Up on men , Finland, Johnny Deep , Please contact me just if you have interests similar to mine Thanks a lot..