noThing sPeciaL, I thinks....
I'm a simPlicity gurLs with many kinds of hope in my Life that I wanna do....
wanna know more about me?
pLis, contact me if you can...
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: bLack eNemy
Hair Color:: fResh bRown
Height:: 163 cms
Favorite Color:: bLack, whiTe, MagEnta, gRey, darK PUrpLe
Screen Name:: si JutEk is Egha
Favorite Band:: PaNic at The disCo, My cheMicaL roMance, The Used, funeRaL foR a Friend, The CarDigan
Favorite Movie:: HoRor, ThRiLLer, ComeDy, SenSe, FicTion, AcTion
Favorite Show:: MTV, GP, F1, REALITY SHOWS, OpRah WinFrey sHows.
Your Car:: May Be juSt smaRt car aNd heaLthy foR Human.
Your Hometown:: wHere I can come home, it was my HomeTown.
Your Present Town:: DortMund ciTy anD uNgaRan ciTy viLLage.
Your Crushes First Name:: -oRLando bLoom-
Your Grade:: on uNiveRsitY
Your Style:: eMO And SpOrTy
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: When the woRLd was so compLicated
Kissed someone in the rain?: neveR
Danced in a public place?: of Course
Smiled for no reason?: oFtEn
Laughed so hard you cried?: Once....
Peed your pants after age 8?: Yup, coZ it was mY pants!
Written a song?: SoMETimes
Sang to someone for no reason?: aLways
Performed on a stage?: SoMeTimes
Talked to someone you don't know?: oFten
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: OnCe, wHen my Life was so BoRed
Made out in a theatre?: NeVeR
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: No, but wHen I was Kidz
Been in love?: eveRy day
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: My FaMiLy
Tell you, I love you?: my Last BoyFrieNd
Kiss you?: NeVeR, coZ I dOnt want it....
Hug you?: My Best FrIenDs
Tell you BYE?: My faMiLy
Write you a note?: my Fuckn' NeiGhBoUrs
Take your photo?: my Best FRiends
Call your cell phone?: my Best FriEnds
Buy you something?: my beLoved AuNt
Go with you to the movies?: My Best FrieNds
Sing to you?: my AdmiReR
Write a poem about you?: my AdMiReR
Text message you?: my Best FrIeND
Touch you?: MY bEST fRIEnD
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: This TiMe aRouNds
Time you cried?: LasT NiTe wHen I RemembeR my dReam Lover
Movie you watched?: gOtcHa
Joke you told?: my Best FRieNds
Song you've sang?: my Best FriEnds
Time you've looked at the clock?: moRniNg gLoRy
Drink you've had?: my Best FRieNds
Number you've dialed?: my BesT fRieNds
Book you've read?: SybiLL
Food you've eaten?: nUTrISIoUS FooD
Flavor of gum chewed?: tUttY fRuTTy aNd MinTs
Shoes you've worn?: my SisTer
Store you've been in?: my FaThER
Thing you've said?: mOnEy aNd LoVes
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: No, eXacTLy
Whistle?: YuPPPzzz....
Blow a bubble?: always
Roll your tounge in a circle?: No, Its HuRt...!
Cross your eyes?: tHe CaT
Touch your tounge to your nose?: neVer, it so DisgUise!
Dance?: yup, I can
Gleek?: HAHAAHAHA....
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: soMeTimes
Speak a different language?: YuPs, IndOnesia anD JaVa
Impersonate someone?: nEvEr!
Prank call people?: yUp, soMeTimes
Make a card pyramid?: when i BoRed
Cook anything?: InStaN oNes
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: tRansPoTer, i wiLL Hug my LuvLy peOpLe
I wish ...: meeT my LuvLy peOpLe
So many people don't know that ...: I'm a Kindness
I am ...: so compLicaTed
My heart is ...: so EmPty wiThout him