Instead of worrying about the future or dwelling in the past, embrace the present. If you focus on living in this moment instead of thinking about everything surrounding the moment, life is put in a clear perspective. Do not be a slave to your thoughts because these thoughts are stronger than anything you are in control of. You're thoughts literally shape the world around you, if you dont believe me go study the basics of quantum mechanics. So embrace the random and live a true, compassionate, and noble life. For if you do that now you will have no need to worry about the future, or regret the past. Learn from your errors and realize that it doesn't become a mistake until you refuse to correct it. Be true to your"self" and everyone who encounters you. Don't ever assume you are done growing in any sense because everyday is a opportunity to grow in any aspect of life. The only thing required is the courage and will power to do it. Your life is yours to create the only boundaries you have are the ones you impose on yourself.
This is how I live my life. Getting it right is the hard part, but I am forever thankful for being able to experience this reality.
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Tool - Vicarious