UMMMM????? I'm A nOrMaL sImPlE gAl VeRy OpEn MiNdEd SoMe TiMe ShY&qUiEt BuT iF u KnOw Me I'm TaLk AlOt...(^0^)
AlL mY fRiEnD sAiD i cAn Be So NiCe AnD sO mEaN aT tHe SaMe tImE.....i StAnD uP fOr MySeLf aNd My BeLiEfS....i StAnD uP fOr ThOsE i LoVe...I sPeAk My MiNd, ThInK mY oWn ThOuGhTs Or Do ThInGs My WaY........LiKe PeOpLe WhO aReN't FaKe(",)I am soo thankful for all the people that have been there for me through all my rough times and what not.Sometimes life works out in weird ways, I hate not knowing what is to come in the future, i hate knowing that i can not always control my destiny......{}