i think i'm well on target for becoming the worlds fattest man, its been a personal goal of mine for some time now and the way i'm going theyll be taking me for 'walks' on a fork lift afor ye can say 'quintuple bypass'. fatty.
hmm, what else? well i'm still saturated with a zesty abhorrence for the majority of my species and have been for nigh on 20 yaar.
inquisitive types would do well to look up a norwegian philosopher by the name of Arne Naess. quite an insightful fellow. i would say that my personal philosophy echoes elements of his writings.
i like words. old ones namely, wouldn't it be splendid if people still spoke in the old tongue? imagine having a heated argument with someone as they do in say, crime and punishment for example. to best one's linguistic and intellectual inferior... ah yes.
eloquence is dying a slow gurgling death. pity that.
i'm greatly appreciative of music in all its forms, i occasionally dabble in art which yeilds generally pleasing results and i fancy myself as somewhat of a cook.
i can also hum and whistle at the same time.
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