Anna profile picture



About Me

*** LOVES *** family, friends, shopping, sleeping, movies, jack bauer and toni almeida, colin farrell and tom cruise, chocolate, gimiks, tequila and vodka, dining-out, the beach, cooking and baking, bish *** MISS *** my dad, college life, hs friends, college friends, mr. kebab *** WANTS *** a job, to travel more, make a difference, an i-mac, to shop more, to study(again), take foreign language class, to go out more often, to be more independent, peace of mind, happiness, contenment, lotsa money, to move-out *** NEEDS *** a job, to be more patient, to cool down a little, to stop complaining about things, to start thinking or taking actions with things i complain about, more time with family and friends *** FRUSTRATIONS *** i should have spent more time with my dad, i should have taken my spanish class more seriously, i should have gone to more out of town trips when i was a kid, i should have taken my studies seriously (yuck! parang totoo), i should have done a lot of things more important and productive than just bumming around *** DREAMS *** to be a CHEF, to have my own restaurant, to be a millionaire before i reach 30, to have a family(someday)

My Interests

SHoPPiNG, MoVieS, CLuBBiNG, DiNiNG-ouT, THe BeaCH, CooKiNG aND BaKiNG, TeQuiLa...

I'd like to meet:



RnB, aLTeRNaTiVe, HaRDCoRe, SeNTi Jamz, aCousTic... it really depends on my mood


LaST SaMuRai, KiLL BiLL, S.W.A.T., MiNoRiTY RePoRT, CHaRLie'S aNGeLS, MaTRIX TRiLoGY, KaTe aND LeoPoLD, X-MeN... any with ToM CRuiSe and CoLiN FaRReLL in it


24!!!, Fear Factor, Hey Arnold, Sponge Bob, Survivor 1-3, WWE Raw, Sex and the City, Friends, CSI/CSI Miami, Calling all Cooks, Passion with Dessert with Jacques Torres... blaah blaah blaah


i don't really read books... but i love reading magazines like COSMOPOLITAN!


My DaD... X-MeN GuYS especially Wolverine, Spiderman, Superman, Batman and Daredevil!!!