Passion 4 His Purpose!!! profile picture

Passion 4 His Purpose!!!

But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Roman

About Me

Well, to start, I give all of the glory, honor and praise unto the Lord of Lords, and the King of Kings for leading me through some of the toughest situations of my life. Without Him I would not be here. I am a servant of the Most High God who sent His only begotten son Jesus that the sins of the world may be forgiven, and redemption may be found to those that believe in Him. There is power in the name of Jesus!!! I've been saved for some time now but I never fully sought after those things which had been told to me. I have been in and out of my walk with Christ for most of my life, and for quite a while I struggled with the idea of who Jesus was. I'm not perfect, I fall short of His glory everyday, the truth is, He is a forgiving God who honors those that diligently seek Him in spirit and in truth. Without battle wounds we would be unblemished and clean, but He takes those wounds and heals them so we can then be a blessing to others. I made up my mind that I wanted to live for something more than another worldly posession that isn't going with me when I pass. I've tasted and I've seen the mighty power of Jesus and I'm grateful to know that I don't belong to that revolving door of emptiness anymore and that I belong to the one who will always guide me through all of life's storms. I am here because of His grace that I know I don't deserve, that's why I am going to live my life according to His will and it doesn't bother me that it isn't the popular vote, for He has prepared a place for me in heaven, and for all of those that believe in Him for that matter. I am a living testimony of the awesomeness of God, and I am here to serve those around me so that they may come to know that He is real. Also, to glorify His name and extend His kingdom. I edited my profile at Free Christian Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Being bold and living a life that is pleasing to Jesus. Not just talking the talk, or walking the walk, but living the word. Being a beacon of light for the Glory of the Lord in a dark and fallen world, and reaching out to those that are hurting and in need of a good friend.

I'd like to meet:

I would love to meet all kinds of people. None of us are perfect by any stretch of the imagination, this is why it is necessary to have good friends to be accountable with and share our feelings with. Those who may have questions concerning their understandings of what it truly means to walk with Christ, as opposed to just being a part of a "religion." "Religion" is man-made. A RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ truly defines christianity! Get to know Him for yourself andd see that He is the real-deal! I edited my profile at Free Christian Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!

Thats My King

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I love music that glorifies and edifies the Lord and speaks of His truths. a fathers love letter

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The Passion of the Christ, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and some others. Christian Video - Are You Ready

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I love watching Jesse Duplantis and Bishop T.D. Jakes when they're on. I also enjoy watching football and golf once in a while.


The Bible of course! Also any other inspirational books!
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Faith

You are Faith. Faith is the belief in better things, in spite of the cynicism and doubt that swirls around us. Faith gives us strength; it inpsires us to move forward and follow our hearts. "Faith tells us what the senses do not."

Which Positive Quality Are You?


Jesus and anyone who has overcome some difficult opposition in their lives!

My Blog

Seeking forgiveness.......

This blog needs to begin with an appology to those I know that were offended by the last blog I posted in which I removed. I'm sincerely sorry. There is no reason why I should've been so self-righteou...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 06:41:00 PST

Letting it out

Does anyone ever stop to think about why so many people "party?" or go to "parties?" Am I the only one who sees that this type of lifestyle only leads to destruction? These words are written from...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 02:02:00 PST

Issues at hand....

More shots ring out, another life comes to a screaching halt. Questions being asked, answers not found; who is really at fault? As the days go by, the problems get worse, revolving like a turn-style d...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:16:00 PST

Share In The Glory!

Share in the glory of the risen saviour who has conquered the grave. Boldness is a gift from God which means you don't have to be enslaved. Jesus could've run to hide and not completed His father's wo...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:02:00 PST

Reveal yourself to me O Lord!

There is sin that dwells within my flesh that causes me to do that in which I wish not to do. Help me! I cannot control the things that I do not understand which frustrates my inner being. I do not wa...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 02:41:00 PST

Necessary Tears

I've been pondering the thought on why I felt I had lost my passion, desire and drive to serve the Lord with the fire that once permeated my life. It is something that has been dragging me around for ...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Thu, 07 Dec 2006 08:29:00 PST

Free writing!

I sometimes sit and ponder a thought that shouldn't be allowed to cross my mind. This is a part of life. I try to see what needs to be seen, yet I know that it cannot be seen without Christ-like eyes....
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 07:33:00 PST

Who I am!

I searched for many years in all of the wrong places, trying to find out who I am. A troubled childhood, a troubled adolescense, helped to shape that troubled young man. Yet the mould that was su...
Posted by Passion 4 His Purpose!!! on Fri, 27 Oct 2006 05:10:00 PST