Being bold and living a life that is pleasing to Jesus. Not just talking the talk, or walking the walk, but living the word. Being a beacon of light for the Glory of the Lord in a dark and fallen world, and reaching out to those that are hurting and in need of a good friend.
I would love to meet all kinds of people. None of us are perfect by any stretch of the imagination, this is why it is necessary to have good friends to be accountable with and share our feelings with. Those who may have questions concerning their understandings of what it truly means to walk with Christ, as opposed to just being a part of a "religion." "Religion" is man-made. A RELATIONSHIP with Jesus Christ truly defines christianity! Get to know Him for yourself andd see that He is the real-deal!
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Thats My King
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I love music that glorifies and edifies the Lord and speaks of His truths. a fathers love letter
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The Passion of the Christ, The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and some others. Christian Video - Are You Ready
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I love watching Jesse Duplantis and Bishop T.D. Jakes when they're on. I also enjoy watching football and golf once in a while.
The Bible of course! Also any other inspirational books!
Which Positive Quality Are You? Your Result: Faith
You are Faith. Faith is the belief in better things, in spite of the cynicism and doubt that swirls around us. Faith gives us strength; it inpsires us to move forward and follow our hearts. "Faith tells us what the senses do not."
Jesus and anyone who has overcome some difficult opposition in their lives!