rorie profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

sexy, naughty, b*tchy... yep, that sums it all up!i'm not your typical 24-year old.. yes i can be fun and flirty, but when it comes to work, i am driven, determined and vicious :-p i'm a stickler for deadlines and for quality, but i do reward the deserving. outside of work, i revert to my playful and animated self. one of my friends refer to me as cheerfulness incarnate, but i'm not really sure if everyone agrees with that:-p i am turned on by great conversations... chemistry is a must in a relationship... i'm the eternal bachelorette, forever searching, not for Mr. Perfect, but for Mr. Perfect-for-Me... it was hard enough to find a great guy, but when they said that a decent date is hard to find, i think they were thinking of singapore... so here i am still single and searching, but enjoying my life nonetheless... :)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

hmmm.. .i'd like to meet Robbie Williams and tell him outright that I think he's hot:-Ppaging Robbie Williams... do you have a myspace account?!!!hmm.. not really dating anyone right now... i just want to keep in touch with for the perverts who dream that they can get it on with me, this is for you: "I don't think so!"

My Blog

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