kyle667 profile picture


Life moves pretty fast...If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. -Farr

About Me

Fresno, Ca born and raised, on the playground is where I spent most of my days.I'm A musician and it seems that everything I think has a melody to go with it. I hate to work, love to drink, and you have probably seen me at a show. I'm not Satanic or anything, but I do think we're all a little want more? I'm super cool and you want to be my friend, just don't expect me to entertain you, that's not my least not yet. I work an office job and use myspace to curb the boredome sometimes so, if I am you are my friend, drop me a fuckin' line once in a while. I'm always into new music so, if your in a band, feel free to add me. If I like you I'll add you and help you promote, if not, I won't. The Flipperbabies is an ongoing collection of songs Ive written over the past few years that are from the heart and made totaly awesome by Ben so check us out. Yes ladies, I am single...Sorry fellas, I'm not gay. Bla, bla, It's your turn.
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My Interests

Music; Shows; drinking; hot chicks; skulls; Vampires; my friends; this "myspace" thing.

I'd like to meet:

Touring bands that I can live vicariously through; People who like to question athority; Chicks that play guitar; Anyone really. watch this..... width="425" height="350" ..


Strung Out; Coheed and Cambria; Avenged Sevenfold; Refused; The Mars Volta; The North Atlantic; Saves the Day; Modest Mouse; Deathcab for Cutie; Taking Back Sunday; The Get Up Kids; Further Seems Forever; The Early November; NOFX; Screaching Weasle; The Queers; Guster; Cradle of Filth; Dragonforce; The Used; Harshmellows; Bright Eyes; Cursive; ...this could take all day.Watch this shit... ..Now wasn't that just the perfect mix of melody, skill, and cheese?


Farris Buellers Day Off; Lucky Number Sleven; Momento; Super Troopers; All Tarantino; Gangster flicks; suspense/thrillers; Monty Python; Anything that has a good story or is just plain funny.


I'm addicted to "Heros" on Monday nights. Family guy; Simpsons; American Dad; I guess you can tell how I usually spend my Sunday nights.


Anyone in a touring band.

My Blog

Are You As Think As I Drunk You Are?

The Basics: 1) What is your favorite beer? Cheep! 1) What is your favorite alcohol? Whisky. 2) What is your least favorite? Gin...Fuckin' gross, the shit tastes like a christmas tree! 3) Fav...
Posted by kyle667 on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 02:21:00 PST


_+88_____________________________ _+880____________________________ _++88____________________________ _++88____________________________ __+880_________________________+++ __+888_______________________...
Posted by kyle667 on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:40:00 PST

Let's start a new band!!

I wan't to start a new band. Somethong along the lines of  Powerpop/Punk/Emo(even though I hate that term). Just something really fun to play with no agenda. You can check out my music interests ...
Posted by kyle667 on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 11:32:00 PST

How did this begin?

How did this begin? When did we get this way? We bleed with every word we say, I guess it's just a game we play and we're good at...  Feelings of self-worth and tricks we learn, but nev...
Posted by kyle667 on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 05:15:00 PST