DUDLEY ROSS profile picture


About Me

Born into a very musical family Dudley began guitar age 16 and has never put it down since. Dudley has had many years performing and composing for TV, cinema, musicals, touring with bands and playing on sessions for many acts and producers such as the legendary Chris Tsangarides (Gary Moore, Thin Lizzy, Anthem, Yngwie Malmsteen) to Jezz Wetherall, TV and show composer/director. Dudley is also a linebacker for the Great Britain Lions American Football Team.Dudley is currently performing with Ben Mills (X-Factor finalist), Sizen (www.sizen.co.uk) who are signed to HeroPR & TopStock Records, THE Gr8 EIGHT (with Simon Foster of the Flying Pickets), The Funskateers, The Mavericks Blues Band and his own band DRG. Dudley is currently endorsed by Vigier Guitars, please take the time out to visit their website and check out their amazing guitars and basses (www.vigierguitars.com). Also a big shout out to G7th Capos, there is no capo better, trust me! Dudley's first debut release, 'The Note That Told A Thousand Tales' will be available for purchased from iTunes from April 2009 . You can buy it NOW from the link below. visit www.dudleyross.com, www.vigierguitars.com & www.youtube.com/feeliseverything for more information.
To buy album visit: SHOP

My Interests


Member Since: 04/09/2006
Band Website: dudleyross.com & thenotethattoldathousandtales.com
Band Members: The Mavericks Blues Band: Simon Foster (vocals), Paul Jobson (keyboards), Jon Noyce/Chris Cassar (bass) Dudley Ross (guitars) & Simon Whiting (drums). Sizen: Max Andrews (vocals), Dan Smith (bass), Loz Smith (drums) & Dudley Ross (guitars). The Funkskateers: Paul Jobson (keyboards & vocals), Chris Cassar (bass) Wez (drums) * Dudley Ross (guitars) Dr.JJ Blues Band DRG: Mike West (trumpet), Phil Smith (sax), Steve King (bass), Jason McCluskey (drums), Roger Lewin (keys), Simon Foster (vocals) & Dudley Ross (guitars). The Gr8 Eight: Simon Foster (vocals), Mike West (trumpet), Phil Smith (sax), Steve Rickwood (bass), Jason McCluskey (drums), Lawrie Bolton (keys), & Dudley Ross (guitars) & Cat Bloomfield (vocals).Worked/working with Martin Elliott (Michael Nyman), Jonathan Noyce (Jethro Tull, Gary Moore), Jason McCluskey (Zambu, White City), Geno Washington (Geno Washington & The Ram Jam Band), Paul Jobson (Chaka Khan), Paul Booth (Steve Winwood, Riverdance, Eric Clapton, Glenn Miller Orchestra), Stuart Anning (Busted, Amy Winehouse), Michael Porter (Opera Babes, Acorn Antiques), Simon Foster (Flying Pickets) and many, many more.
Influences: ..
Sounds Like: Dudley Ross
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

LIMS @ The ExCel

If anyone is about this Friday & Sunday I will be performing at LIMS (London International Music Show) on the Vigier stand. I will be perfroming some cracking news tunes from my upcoming EP 'Even Rock...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 07:19:00 GMT


Posted by on Mon, 18 May 2009 15:31:00 GMT

What's Next & News! Ben Mills, Sizen and London Guitar Show 2009

Hello everyone,The album launch was a huge success and I can't thank everyone enough for supporting the night. All the musicians were awesome and it was a privelage to share the stage with them. What'...
Posted by on Thu, 07 May 2009 07:08:00 GMT

iTunes news!

'The Note That Told A Thousand Tales' is now available on iTunes!!!
Posted by on Wed, 29 Apr 2009 15:50:00 GMT

Check out this event: Dudley Ross Album Launch

Hosted By:DUDLEY ROSS (debut CD on sale NOW!)When:27 April 2009Where:Gulbenkian Theatre University of Kent at CanterburyCanterbury, Kent,CT2 7NB, Description:Guitarist and composer, Dudley Ross is joi...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 15:01:00 GMT

Album Launch Musicians: THE LINE-UP

Album Launch Musicians:Dudley Ross  guitarSimon Foster  vocalsBen Mills  vocalsIzzy Chase-Philmore  vocalsMandy Reynolds  vocalsJonathan Noyce  bassSteve Rickwood  bassRichard Bates - bassPaul ...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Apr 2009 10:33:00 GMT


Hi guys,I've just had some great news! Love or hate her, Paris Hilton has just been shot at the official US press release party for my album, I'm hoping this will do wonders for my album and generate ...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 16:42:00 GMT

EXCITING NEWS! Debut Album On Sale Now!

Hi guys,My debut album, The Note That Told A Thousand Tales is on sale NOW! Can't believe I finally finished, it's been one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it's been an amazing ride and I'm ...
Posted by on Mon, 09 Mar 2009 08:42:00 GMT

Very Lucky

Hi guys,My album is nearly done, weird! Seven months of recording and many years of writing and I can finally put the beast to sleep, until the next one! Really excited about doing the new EP for Size...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 05:25:00 GMT

Vigier Guitars Present Christophe Godin & Dudley Ross

Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 07:52:00 GMT