kung fu, Taoism, world cultures, brake danceing. and of corse sex panther......60% of the time, it works every time. i also enjoy eating mellon and bakeing fresh pie for the elderly.And I like to dress up with my homies....
Renowned porn star katsumi, people who are funny, any body and every body, and TAOIST PAST AND PRESENT.
a true music lover likes all music, i am NOT one of theys people. i cant stand pop, new age classical, (Pachelbel you can kiss my Ass) r&b (rap and bullshit)and modern country. otherwise i like most music. FRANK SINATRA
'Twilight Samurai, 'Seven Samurai,'Shaolin versus the Wu-tang, 'Good fellas, 'The God Father tril....Snach' and right now its anchore man, 'life aquadic, and San Fernando Jones temple of poon.
SOPRANOS, and 'South Park, 'band of brothers, 'rome, 'oh and family guy. and i cant forgit intercourse island on the fox chanel whith host brian fantana.
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FRANK SANATRA, Chuang Tsu, Greg Trotter, Zhan San Feng, the 101st air born divion during WW2 eazy company and the rest of the 506 you guys were kick ass and cool. PRESIDENT GORGE W BUSH for being the worlds best tyrann. MY MOM. MY SISTER. ITALIANS EVERY WHERE.