Wa+ching TeLeViSiOn... & MovieS...... LiS+eNinG +o MuSic.... ReAdINg BookS.... GoIng +0 BeA(Hes.... TrAvElInG.... HiKiNg.....Ea+inG..... DaNCing....ChA++ing...... TEx+ing...... GoInG Ou+ w/ FrewN$.... PlAyIng w/ My PEt dOg...&..+akING i+ 4 a W@lk.....
hiphop.. rnb... alternative rock...soul.... rap....soft ballads... punk... instrumental
darkness falls.....harry potter1&2.. animatrix and matrix 1,2&3........lord of the rings1,2&3....interview with the vampire.... tomb raider....spiderman.....serendipity...princess dairies... what a gurl wants...PAY IT FORWARD.... Cruel intentions. 1 & 2...... Brotherhood... Children of the Corn 666.... the Prophecy.... Sixth Sense.... I know What you did LAst Summer...... NOt another teen MOVie... HEad Over HeelS..... Something about MAry...... Devil's Advocate... THE Passion of Chirst.... Taking Lives..... Underworld... Van HElsing..... HOt Chick..... Maid in Manhanttan.... Fools Rush In.... 40DayS and 40 nIgHtS....... Hollywood Homicide.... Pirates of the Caribbean the Curse of the BLACK PEARL..... S.W.A.T.... PHoNEbOO+H....Meet Joe BLack...... Merlin..... JohNNy EnglisH....JeepErS CrEePeRs....TeXaS ChaInSaw MassaCrE...ScArRy MoVie 1..2..
F0rMuL@ 1.... Myx.... Malcom in Da Middle.... SeX in +tha Ci+Y...$CrUBS.... CroSSin' JOrdAn..... JO.N DoE....BuFFy..... Gurlz Behavin' BadlY....JAG.... Agency.... RipLey's BelieVe i+ Or No+....AmAzin' Race.....
Harry Potter books..... Lord of the Rings.... Stephin King's Books..... Accouting Books... Sci- Fi bOOKs.....