Originally from Tampa, Fla., Rashad (formerly known as AW) moved to California in 1990. When he was in the sixth grade, Rashad joined the hardcore rap group 187. In 2003, Rashad branched out from the group and formed Wick-It-Way Records. He put the label together to help independent, up-and-coming artists release their material. He also instructed them on different aspects of being an emcee, such as stage presence and proper lyrical presentation. In spite of all the good Rashad felt he was doing with helping others, he also felt something was wrong. His hardcore lyrics, bad attitude and fast lifestyle were leading him on a path of destruction.
While sitting in church, a red-haired woman came to Rashad with a message from God. The time had come for him to stop living in the ways of the world and start his life fresh in the Lord. He went on a 25-day period of fasting and prayer. During this time, it was revealed to Rashad that he had to shut down Wick-It-Way Records and give his life completely to God. Rashad realized that Awak was not only a stage name, but also a spirit created from the anger and hatred in his early youth.
On August 25, 2006, Rashad returned to the scene with a new life, a new body AND a new, God-given name...the M.O.G.(Man of God). M.O.G. is now head of Murvin Enterainment with his brother Dre Rich. Through Gospel Rap, God has commissioned M.O.G. to spread the Word to the youth of the Hip-Hop culture. M.O.G. is a testimony that the Lord can change ANYONE who desires to be saved.
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