Laceration-- Is a band from the Bay Area, that plays fast and heavy. The band got its rough start in the late months of 2006 with Corey on bass, Luke on guitar and Tom on drums. After a loong search for a vocalist Luke decided to fill the spot, and it worked out great. As 07' grew we found great opportunities to play with bands around the Bay Area. In Febuary 2008 we finally got into the studio to record our first demo, it went as expected and we then had a chance to let people get a taste of what we are about. A few months after the demo was dropped we had alot of problems with Tom and decided it would be for the best to kick him out. With that said and done we needed a drummer. A few months later John and Nick of local band Invection approched us and wanted to jam, a little time later we had John on drums and Nick on lead. Due to conflicts between certain band members, Nick was let go and Joey was shortly approached to play lead guitar. Be on the look out for shows and new recordings in 2009!
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