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About Me

Myspace Layouts
Stay at home mom that is CRAZY about Jeremy, Jak and Emma. Live a pretty stress free life, started a new part-time job as new business coordinator for Chane Reagan Financial Services. Still play softball on the weekends and of course Mon-Fri. Lets just say that Jak has a permanent account as PJ's consession stand. Jeremy still works his backside off to give us the best life possible, and we all adore him for it. Did I say that I adore him, I do. He is the worlds greatest husband and father. Jak and Emma are growing like weeds hopefully its due to the good food and not the fertilizer. We are just loven life in Texas.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

p styleThe President whoever it would be at the time of the meeting, and hope someday to meet my maker and tell him thanks for giving me such beautiful children.

My Blog

Sweet Emma

I just painted my entire house with two little ones "helping Mommy". The sweetest thing from a two year olds mouth is when you totally mess up a paint job and she tells you, "thats so pretty mommy". I...
Posted by on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 20:38:00 GMT

No More Pain

So I have finally broken down and come to terms with the idea that I HAVE to get the nail, screws and plate removed  from my legs. I have taken enough vicoden over the past six years to kill a la...
Posted by on Thu, 27 Sep 2007 07:01:00 GMT

Music Lover in the making

Being a mom has taken over my life, everyone tells you that one of the best things for little kids is to be introduced to music, they tell you that letting your baby listen to things like mozart and b...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 19:26:00 GMT