80's Metal- 70's Rock n Roll- Classical music- snakeskin- lepard print- bandanas- tattoos- cowboy boots- handcuffs- neon lights- midevil stuff- DIO- playing the keyboard- computers- choppers- rain- night- stars- girls with green eyes- the ocean- ect. hating sluts- Hollywood- sushi- [adult swim]- fire- magic
coop people i guess i dont know...
DIO, judaspriest, motorhead, maiden, scorpions, testament, Saxon, journey, whitesnake, motleycrue, dokken, KISS, LAguns, Alice Cooper, guns n roses, queen, triumph, slayer, ZZ Top, rush, Yngie Malmsteen, Blind Guardian, Night wish, W.A.S.P. Rainbow, ACDC,, pinkfloyd, quietriot, van halen, skidrow, Black Sabbath, old metalica, DefLeppard, megadeath, twistedsister, cinderella, danzig, ozzy, deep purple, the stoogies, Dragonforce, accept, symphonyx, Led zeppelin, DragonLand, Hammerfall & much more
Cannibal the musical, orgasmo. basekeball The Lord of The rings triligy, the professional, office space, Dragon slayer, jaws 1 & 2, saving private ryan, enemy at the gates, the fifth element, the good the bad the ugly, for a few dallors more, spun, spinal tap.
Kids in the hall, southpark, strangers with candy, simpsons, king of the hill, G4, anything on [Adult Swim],i love cartoons.
The Lord of The Rings, thats about it, i realy want to read more tho.
Ronnie James Dio, Yngwie Malmsteen, Tony Carie, my Mom RIP