-EasyCo.-Murralsee(photog) profile picture


All the wishing wells have gone dry

About Me

Im a night person..i come alive when neon kills the sunshine. I guess i look at life as, when you get thrown into the fire you better dance or your going to get burned. Im not a religios person, I don't think there is such thing as a Heavin and a Hell, Heavin and Hell is here, it's now. Heavin and Hell is what you make of it, You make decisions that can pute you in your own heavin or your own hell. What i like to do for fun?, i like hanginout and shooting guns with my brothers from -EasyCo.- I love camping!. Im a realy chill person and kinda shy. I hate emo kids, mtv, gun control, girls that chat or text on there cell all fuckin day and night, my ex was good at that and thats why she's my ex haha jk. If you know me you would know that i hate it when people call me axle, remember that!. Layout Provided By FreeCodeSource.com - Myspace Layouts

My Interests

80's Metal- 70's Rock n Roll- Classical music- snakeskin- lepard print- bandanas- tattoos- cowboy boots- handcuffs- neon lights- midevil stuff- DIO- playing the keyboard- computers- choppers- rain- night- stars- girls with green eyes- the ocean- ect. hating sluts- Hollywood- sushi- [adult swim]- fire- magic

I'd like to meet:

coop people i guess i dont know...


DIO, judaspriest, motorhead, maiden, scorpions, testament, Saxon, journey, whitesnake, motleycrue, dokken, KISS, LAguns, Alice Cooper, guns n roses, queen, triumph, slayer, ZZ Top, rush, Yngie Malmsteen, Blind Guardian, Night wish, W.A.S.P. Rainbow, ACDC,, pinkfloyd, quietriot, van halen, skidrow, Black Sabbath, old metalica, DefLeppard, megadeath, twistedsister, cinderella, danzig, ozzy, deep purple, the stoogies, Dragonforce, accept, symphonyx, Led zeppelin, DragonLand, Hammerfall & much more


Cannibal the musical, orgasmo. basekeball The Lord of The rings triligy, the professional, office space, Dragon slayer, jaws 1 & 2, saving private ryan, enemy at the gates, the fifth element, the good the bad the ugly, for a few dallors more, spun, spinal tap.


Kids in the hall, southpark, strangers with candy, simpsons, king of the hill, G4, anything on [Adult Swim],i love cartoons.


The Lord of The Rings, thats about it, i realy want to read more tho.


Ronnie James Dio, Yngwie Malmsteen, Tony Carie, my Mom RIP

My Blog

Ted Nugent speaks out

By Ted NugentSpecial to CNNAdjust font size:Editor's note: Rock guitarist Ted Nugent has sold more than 30 million albums. He's also a gun rights activist and serves on the board of directors of the N...
Posted by -EasyCo.-Murralsee on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:36:00 PST

you want to know me better? read this.

65 Things you didn't need to know about me.1.) Where were you when the ball dropped for 2007?in nipas.......SOBER!2.) How did you get the idea for your myspace name?Dio3.) Do you love anyone?well righ...
Posted by -EasyCo.-Murralsee on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:22:00 PST