4- the Individualist
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you chose BY - your Enneagram type is FOUR (aka "The Romantic")"I am unique"Romantics have sensitive feelings and are warm and perceptive.How to Get Along with MeGive me plenty of compliments. They mean a lot to me. Be a supportive friend or partner. Help me to learn to love and value myself. Respect me for my special gifts of intuition and vision. Though I don't always want to be cheered up when I'm feeling melancholy, I sometimes like to have someone lighten me up a little. Don't tell me I'm too sensitive or that I'm overreacting!What I Like About Being a Four my ability to find meaning in life and to experience feeling at a deep level my ability to establish warm connections with people admiring what is noble, truthful, and beautiful in life my creativity, intuition, and sense of humor being unique and being seen as unique by others having aesthetic sensibilities being able to easily pick up the feelings of people around meWhat's Hard About Being a Four experiencing dark moods of emptiness and despair feelings of self-hatred and shame; believing I don't deserve to be lovedfeeling guilty when I disappoint people feeling hurt or attacked when someone misundertands me expecting too much from myself and life fearing being abandonedobsessing over resentments longing for what I don't haveFours as Children Often have active imaginations: play creatively alone or organize playmates in original game s are very sensitive feel that they don't fit in believe they are missing something that other people haveattach themselves to idealized teachers, heroes, artists, etc. become antiauthoritarian or rebellious when criticized or not understoodfeel lonely or abandoned (perhaps as a result of a death or their parents' divorce)Fours as Parents help their children become who they really are support their children's creativity and originality are good at helping their children get in touch with their feelingsare sometimes overly critical or overly protective are usually very good with children if not too self-absorbedRenee Baron & Elizabeth Wagele The Enneagram Made Easy Discover the 9 Types of People Harper SanFrancisco, 1994, 161 pagesYou liked the test? so S P R E A D I T ! tell everyone!!! (use Quick-Paste below) and please don't forget to RATE it... (but remember! it had only two questions!!! That surely makes it worth a "5", right ;-))) you wanna know MORE? so check out, what Wikipedia says about your type......even more you'll find in &&&Google or do you prefer to &You are not completely happy with the result?! You chose BY Would you rather have chosen: & AY (EIGHT) & CY (SIX) & BX (NINE) & BZ (FIVE)
Link: The Quick & Painless ENNEAGRAM Test ( OkCupid Free Online Dating )
Your Seduction Style: Prized Object
The seduction game you play is tried, true, and still effective: hard to get.
You know that the best seducers turn the tables - and get their crush to seduce them.
The one running has the power, and you're a challenge that is worth the chase.
You are a master of enticing and pulling back. Giving a little and taking some away.
You are controlled enough to know rewards come after a long seduction dance.
Even though you want to call, email, or say "I love you" first - you don't!
You're style is the perfect mix of hot and cold - so much so that you have many suitors.
Think Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's ... or any of those creepy guys from the Bachelor.
You're skilled at inspiring a chase. The real test is picking the person to slow down for. What Kind of Seducer Are You?Big music fan here. Always looking for new things to listen to so if you have suggestions lemme know. I'm into pretty much anything and am pretty laid back although some still label me Type A personality. I'm a pretty tame Leo. So here are some tips.
SEDUCING LEONIAN MEN: Leonian men are ambitious and self-centred, but not egoist. In fact, they like to share their riches with their partners. To seduce a Leonian, let him understand that you know his value and his qualities. His ideal partner should be smart and love riches just like he does. Leonians are demanding and passionate lovers.
TIP: Talk about him!!!
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Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover
You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires. And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek. You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships. It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is. What Is Your Seduction Style?Get your layout at Profile Ave
What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
What your birthdate means for your life.