Elektrovog was created 2004 as a solo project. The tracks are between electronic, pop and experimental, which are recorded with electronic and acoustic instruments. Therefor i am playing different instruments like kitchen devices, mixer, guitar, bass, flute, keyboard, drums, percussion and electronic devices. The songs are carried by a strong imagination, always telling a story.
In oktober 2005 i released my first album "transition", on konkord.org, a internet label from vienna, austria. Elektrovog is also synonymous for further artistic projects. As composer and media artist i am interested in cross media projects, for example a electronic music improvisation called "Audio Audience Session", projects with dancing and media, Short films .. also on my homepage: www.elektrovog.at
But, of course, most strongly i am focused on music.
The first band i created with the age of 13, also i began to record tracks on my own. In the early years i could make experiences as guitar player, piano player and bassist.
I played very "free" sessions, also composed music, played in different bands.
Also i experimented with improvised electronic music, the first attempts were pretty hard.
But it is a pleasure to investigate music and its possibilities. Actually i study composition at bruckner university in Linz, austria. real editor best profile tools