L Light
A Altruistic
C Careful
I Insane
E Earthy
Name / Username:
Hello my friends and neighbors!
I am MaVeRiCk ShCmAvERiCk--The Beer Hat Lady
Here are the basics...
I am in a glass case of emotion!
I am who I am, and cannot be anyone but me.
I laugh, I cry, I eat pizza, I do all sorts of things.
Some say I'm strange, I like to think of myself as different. I have a shy boldness that confuses people, but remember, I'm not weird, I'm gifted.
I love carbs, music, super nintendo, Sugar Free Red Bull, and Costco.
On a totally unrelated subject, I figured I'd let you know that I believe in UNITY!
and that
I have a problem with thinking faster than my mouth can speak, or trying to speak faster than my mouth can move, and my insomnia doesn't help the situation. (By nature, I am a quiet person, but when you get me going...I can talk. Quite a bit.) I prefer writing or observing, but bring up the right subject and I just can't help myself...and don't think I won't put you in your place if I have to : )
This is my "luvah" Jack-Jack--
a.K.a The Jackle, Jackson, Jack-o, Jack-o-lous, Jackhole, Jackass, Crackish Jackish, Mr. Shcmiggen's, The Great American Jack-a-lope, Mr. McKrackolous, his alias' could go on and on...
This was my baby Lucy who left us much too soon, but she will always be in my heart...
If you are still unsure of anything (my sanity, my existance, myself, etc...) just ask. I can't guarentee I'll have anything wonderfully interesting to say, but, hey, I'm honest and I'll do my best. Of course, there's always My BlOgS:)
~*~ThAnKs FoR sToPPiNg By~*~
Layout Created at ...net with LIVE preview!!
If looks could kill, I'd do this more often...