ShadowTime Entertainment,LLC profile picture

ShadowTime Entertainment,LLC

About Me

Musician, Writer, Arranger, Composer, Producer....Home Town: Thomasville Georgia....thoughts....My mother often speaks of how I would move in her womb while my fathers’ band performed. Other than that, she said I was a still development. I have lived my life around music. It’s something I will do until I cannot breathe anymore. I started off as a percussionist (if you want to call a three year old that) in my father’s band. I placed third in my first competition at age four on drums in Denver, CO. I was one of few children to compete and the only child to place among the mostly adult competitors. After years of traveling as a child performer I began to hear songs by age twelve. What’s really funny is that I still remember the first song I heard entitled “Telephono”. LOL! “you called me late last night on the phono, you said you loved me I said oh no”. To a twelve year old budding musician that was the bomb! LOL! That began my journey with words and poetry. I was quiet and shy away from the stage. Small for my age, with big eyes and chubby cheeks, I was not the ideal image of a lady’s man. All I had was my music. No one could take that from me nor deny my talent. My middle school years brought me into my experience with bells and marimba. My band director, Mr. Greg Daniels, told me that he felt I had a natural gift with mallet percussion. I reluctantly submitted to the task and accidently fell in love with all things mallet oriented. From there I moved over to piano and began to put melody to my words. That’s when I began to think I could be a songwriter. My high school experience gave birth to my love of string instruments and true expression of melody. Mr. Michael Mayhall was my director. It was his passion of the song Kaddish (a Jewish death song) that made me realize the true power of music. I watched him direct it with his eyes filling up and zoning out. He later told us that the song reminded him of his fathers’ death process. From that point, music was never the same to me. It changed from something heard, to something felt down to the soul.ShadowTime Entertainment............................................... .Myspace Layouts

My Interests


Member Since: 04/09/2006
Band Website: Under Construction
Band Members: Shadow, Uncle Wayne, Leonard TysonAttorney: Warren Hamilton,Publishing: UncleWayne Publishing, BMI,Consultants: Donte' Gold, Geoffrey Parker
Influences: Stevie Wonder, Baby Face, Leonard Tyson, The "Q", Lionel Richie, Rod Temperton, Johnnie Mercer, Barry White, Count Basie
My World Visitor Map!

HipHop Graphics
Sounds Like: You tell me....
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Let Me Be Your Friend Tonight (Demo)

Artist: Tiraje'Words: G. HunterMusic: G. HunterThis was a quick demo to hear what the song would sound like. I ran across this copy and posted it for fun. It is not complete. Enjoy the roughness....
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 12:21:00 GMT

Song Info: The Fire

Artist: Dekoy, of Woodworx RecordsComposed by G. HunterWritten by: D. WilliamsProduced by: Uncle Wayne for ShadowTime Entertainment, LLC
Posted by on Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:12:00 GMT

Song Info, What Do You Do

What Do You Do,Vocals Performed by the CraigLewis Band, Music composed, arranged, and performed by G. Hunter/L Tyson. Lyrics by J. LewisThis is like working with family!
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 05:08:00 GMT

Song Info, Cause I....

Cause I....,Vocals Written and Performed by Lisa Philpot, Music composed, arranged, and performed by, G. Hunter.
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 04:51:00 GMT

Song Info: A Mothers Love

A Mothers Love Composed, Written, Produced By: G. Hunter Vocals Performed By: Tasha Larue I truly enjoyed working through this one. Tasha was a true pro; on time and prepared! My Mom asked how could I...
Posted by on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 18:52:00 GMT

Song Info, Hero

Hero, Vocals Performed and Arranged by Lisa Philpot Music composed and performed by, G. Hunter Lyrics by L. Philpot
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 17:30:00 GMT

Song Info, Making love To My Wife

Making Love To My Wife, Vocals Performed by, M. Mason, L. Philpot, K. Harley, Music composed, arranged, and performed by, G. Hunter. Lyrics by, G. Hunter. The purest....
Posted by on Tue, 15 Jan 2008 05:19:00 GMT

To Friends and Family

To those of you close to me, I wanted you to know how much your patience is appreciated. I realize that in pursuit of my goals I often times have neglected those near and dear to me. I have lost some ...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 22:50:00 GMT