KUDOS to my talented family!!! -check bulletin entries on Grammy Award Nominee Erika Nuri (My Niece)myspace.com/erikanuri; or Former Motown Recording Artist and her new Solo career Danielle Andrews (My Niece)myspace.com/daniyella24..Oji & Travis Singletary (My Nephews) who are on there way to being GREATER than the greatest black Sit Com Director that ever was (their dad) -and they don't even know it! ..Lolita Mattos(My Niece)for "leading" ME and guiding me-Mechanical Engineering enough said (modest as she is-she gets the most intelligent award) ...Bianca & Jade who like me will always be OK, MY tremendous MOTHERS!! Elise, Keysha, Aleesha, Sonia, Jasmine, you all have the toughest careers and have succeeded-I envy you.. My Young Uns & my survivors Erin, Lenny, Big Oji, Kiah, Blake, Lil Tony, Lisa, Candida, and my sweet Kenya....if I've missed anyone it's because our family is too damn big! I love them all equally! That's why I am the "favorite auntie"!
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