Hell(o), how are you doing?
Thank you for visiting my profile and please feel free to drop me a line.
Be sure you take the time to visit the website of Angry Brew the band where I played drums.
Angry Brew on Myspace
Here you will find an interview I did for Heavymetal.no(it's in norwegian...): Featured drummer interview
First and foremost I love music and listen to all styles, that said, the genre that is closest to my heart is rock and metal in all shapes and formes, the keyword is melody!
My day to day job is in the power industry, where i work in sales support, and when I'm not working I like to play around in Logic (my own project studio) or Photoshop. I live together with to wonderful girls, one is my fiance, the other one is a Siberian Husky called Wayha(Navaho Indian word for wolf).
Other activitys I like doing is: Hiking, working out, go snowboarding or ride my Harley!