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I am here for Friends

About Me

OK I am totally new to this whole My space thing. To be honest I fought it kicking and screaming until I found out that even Brandon had a page. It was then that I realized that, much as with cell phones and even e-mail, I had lost this battle and it was time to join the 21st century with everyone else. At this time I'm not sure that having an open forum from which I can broadcast my insane rants is really the best thing for the health of the public at large but I suppose its to late now. Soon I will learn how to use this stupid thing and then it will be all over. finally I won't have to shout over people to let my voice be herd, no more punching out people who refuse to see the light of my Superior opinions! Actually on second thought this just makes me easier to ignore lol I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests

"Hobbys cost money Interests are free" George Carlin. Following that line of logic I have a great many interests. Fine cigars and German sports cars are certainly interests of mine though I rarely indulge in one and never in the other. I have always maintained what some call an obsession (obsession is a kind of interest) military history,Especially World War Two. I also enjoy collecting comic books, action figures and firearms but these are hobbys as they cost money (oh and the money I have spent on comics in the last 6 months faaaaaaaar exceeds what I have spent on guns in the past 6 years! just wanted to put that into perspective lol)

I'd like to meet:

Very interesting question. If you replace the word "Meet" with "Fight" and the word "Like" with "Love" then the answer is George W. Bush.


Not quite sure I can sum it all up hear. The fact of the matter is I have outstanding taste in music and I don't have the time or energy to list it all right now. Elvis and the Beatles are at the top of the list. All other Rock is derived from one or the other.


If I took the time to list my favorite films (of their are a great many) I doubt many of you would take the time to read something so boring so I will keep it brief with my current top 5 (the list can vary depending on what time of day you talk to me so don't get the idea this is set in stone or anything. Dogma (have to have at least one Kevin Smith film up on the list at all times) actually you know what? Dogma may be the most political and therefor "smartest" but this is a list of my favorites so I'm going to be honest. Chasing Amy is my favorite Kevin Smith Movie. Their I said it! If anyone has a problem with it then print out this page, roll it up and shove it up your ass because I'm sick of having this godamn debate! The movie is funny as hell FUCK LANDO CALRISION! OK got off on a little tangent their lets see, Godfather (I'm Italian so thats actually a rule in case you didn't know) Saving Privet Ryan, Rebel Without a Cause and we'll round this one out with hmmmm lets say Pulp Fiction.


The Simpsons still holding strong after all these years! Band Of Brothers (I saw it on a TV that makes it count as TV!) South Park, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Venture Brothers, Daily Show and the Colbert Report.


I have noticed that this section is often used as a way to show people how smart and sophisticated you are. even though I am neither of these things I do read quite a bit and I would get bored listing ALL of my favorite books just as you would grow bored reading the damn list. So I will try to keep this brief. Cats Cradle by Kurt Vonnegut, The Dark Knight Returns by Frank Miller, Rendezvous With Rama by Arthur C. Clark, Lies And The Lying Liars Who Tell Them by Al Frankin, How the Republicans Stole Christmas by Bill Press, Treason By Anne Coultler,Red Son by Mark Millar and Kilian Plunkett,Ender's Game By Orson Scott Card Jesus Of Nazareth by Thomas Jefferson, The Bill O'Riley Factor For Kids by Bill O'liely I mean Bill O'Riley, Logan's Run by, Kingdom Come by Mark Waid and Alex Ross


At the Very top of my official list must always be President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill . aside from being two of the most wellspoken bad asses in History they saved the world. Saving the world puts you at the top of my Hero's List. Thanks to them I never had to learn to speak German. In the area of personal heroes, Mark Twain never has their been a more quotable American "Golf is a good walk spoiled" "The good lord created man because he was disapointed in the monkey" "their a three types of lies. Lies, damned Lies and statistics" the list goes on. The point is that wile living in the South he wrote a book about the eviles of slavery BEFORE the cival war even started. Mark Twain did'nt give a shit what people thought about his opinions and he would'nt let somthing as insignifigant as public opinion stop him from saying what ever the fuck he felt like. , Walt Disney. after bitterly failing at pretty much everything he atempted Walt took a bus to California to go live with his brother Roy. Doodling to pass the time he scetched a cartoon mouse. The money made with the cartoons staring the little mouse made Walt and his brther enophe money to start thair own studio. Walt would later morgage every cent of which in order to pay for what many belived to be at the time the greatest mistake in human history. It later turned out the making a full length animated movie was a good idea and Walt made an assload of money which he then morgaged to pay for his next crazy Idea everyone said would'nt work. Disney land ended up making him a few bucks which he used to buy "useless" swamp land in Florida. The moral of the stoary is that Walt never bothered to pay atention to his critics and neather do I. ,Gen. George S. Patton. In case you havent figured out by now I like rebels. People who do what they do without regard for the opinions of others. Patton stomped all over Rommels dick in Africa, Made Montgomery look like a little girl in Italy and "rescued" the 82nd Airborn at the Battle of the Buldge and still maniged to find the time to slap shell shocked soliders and insult forgin heads of state personaly. Instead of worrying about politics Patton did what the American people payed him to do and thats Kick the living shit out of the Nazis. I don't like war anymore then you do but always remember that nice guys finish last. , James Dean. More then just the isperation for the haircut I have had since I was 16. This aloof, nerdy loner grew up to become the living embodyment of cool and he onley made 3 movies. anyone who needs further explination on why James Dean is on this list isnt allowed to hang out with me anymore. , Stan "THE MAN" Lee. Ironicly I am a die hard DC fan when it comes to comics. But even though I grew up on Superman and Batman instead of Spiderman and The Hulk doesnt mean I don't IDOLIZE "The Man" Stan spoke to lonely unpopular kids like me and gave us heros to belive in who did more then run fast and hit balls with a stick. Sticking with my rebel fixation, Stan told the cocksuckers at "The Comics Code" exatly where they could stick their fucking rules on subject matter when he wrote a story about drug abuse in teens WITHOUT their aprovel. , Howard Hughes. Rich , brilliant and batshit insane. Before he was known as the crazy old fuck with tissue boxes on his feet this man practicly invented the airline industry and changed aviation forever. Most important he did'nt give a shit what anbody said about it eather. , Thomas Edison.This uneducated punk went on to become one of historys greatest inventors simply by making it up as he went along! concidering I never payed attention in school eather and everything I know I pretty much tought myself their is really no way i could NOT idolize this man , Thomas Jefferson. Thomas Jefferson was a big Fan of Jesus Christ. He was such a big fan that he decided to write his own version of the bible where the story of Jesus could be told without all that "Son of God" crap to muck up the message. remember this the next time some conservitive mouth breather trys to tell you that the founding fathers intended this to be a "Christan Nation" wile your at it you may as well throw in the fact that he grew, sold and probly smoked pot. They may trie to tell you that he onley grew hemp but workers on the Jefferson Plantation where ordered to take certin steps in the cultivation process that specificly increases the potency of the cannibis portion of the plant. , John Lennon. John Lennon sang songs about how great it would be if everyone got along. He was shot and killed wile sighning autographs in front of his home in New York City. Meanwile Jerry Falwell is still walking the streets. ,But to be completely honest their is one man whom I consider to be my true hero. nay the embodiment of what a hero is. Superman Joke all you want. Sure its a cliché not to mention a fictional charecter but no other figure living or dean real or imagined has had a greater and more positive effect on my life. He isn't even my favorite superhero but he is the one that started it all. I may not be able to leap tall buildings in a single bound nor am I more powerful the a locomotive but since the days of a lonely childhood Superman (and the rest of the DC universe) has been their for me. Superman kept me strong. Superman made me believe that I could do anything no matter what the odds. And he still inspires me today. Thank you Superman

My Blog

Its time I talked about gun control

I have actualy tried writing this blog several time now. The problem is that I always get so agravated writing it that by the end I hae said some things that would more than likely personaly offened e...
Posted by Jared on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 02:40:00 PST

Lets talk about gay marriage

               Before I begine I would like to state for the record that I'm disgusted by the fact that I have to write this blog in the first place. What I hav...
Posted by Jared on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 04:56:00 PST

Why is pot against the law?

               Why is pot against the law? Do you know? Probably not. Most people just kind of take it for granted. Marijuana is a drug ...
Posted by Jared on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 12:25:00 PST