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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I run a wacked out fan based movie related website and chat up forum called Operation Orca. CHECK IT OUT: classic rock and blues with a smattering of alternative experimental punk/rap/anything goes rockabilly and soundtrack muzack.I'm also an indie wannabee film producer/creative consultant and maintain a second residence/studio in Beijing except when it get's cold there...and DAMN it does. Like Siberia fracking cold. Yikes! Hey I harken from the kick back L.A. beaches of Venice ganjaweed, billibongz and seedy motel hells so what can I say.I do however like to work hard like a YAK at whatever I'm doing, so thankfully Beijing is more like NY in that it motivates the hell out of me.Here's a current project I'm helping market:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

YOU and you and you...and YEAH you.

My Blog

Rock and roll from Beijing

Hey Peoples, Still here in Beijing and its just now on the eve of Spring festival when things get crazy and folks get drunker than usual. They need to take down all the Xmas decorations but heck these...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 23:28:00 GMT

Hey I'm here...yep.

Howdy everyone...just trying out my new blog here. Not sure what to talk about. Hey how about that new reggaeton music scene? I don't get it.
Posted by on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 21:53:00 GMT