SUP@MAN 32 profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

cartoon layout @ HOT
First Name: Chris
Middle Name: N/A
Birthday: June 10th
Eyes: brown
Hair: black
Fav color: blue
Day/Night: night
Fave Food: chicken
do you ever wish you had another name? yes
Do you like anyone? yes
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? none
Who's the loudest? eric
Who have you known the longest of your friends? Van
Who's the shyest: me
Are you close to any family members? yes
When you cried the most: when i was in da hospital
What's the best feeling in the world: sex
Worst Feeling: being broke
Let's walk on the: beach
Let's run through: the rain
Let's look at the: stars
What a nice: day
Where did all the: bitches go
Why can't you: suck my dick
Silly, little: hoe
Tell me: something good
Ran away from home: no
Pictured your crush naked: yes
Skipped school: yes
Broken someone's heart: yes
Been in love: yes
Cried when someone died: yes
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: no, i usually get them
Done something embarrassing: yes
Done a drug: no
Cried in school: no
Your Good Luck Charm: don't have one
Person You Hate Most: I don't hate, i dislike
Best Thing That Has Happened: nothing
Ice Cream: all except butter pecan
WHO Makes you laugh the most: My baby Sherrelle
Makes you smile: My baby Sherrelle does sometimes
Has A Crush On You: Stephanie, Dawn, Tasha
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: no
Fallen for your best friend?: no
Made out with JUST a friend?: no
Kissed two people in the same day?: yes
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: yes
Been rejected: . no
Been in love?: yes
Been used?: yes
Done something you regret?: yes
Cheated on someone?: no, never
Been called a tease: yes
You touched?: Sherrelle
You talked to on the phone?: My mom
You hugged?: My mom
You instant messaged?: nobody
You kissed?: Sherrelle
You yelled at?: Sherrelle
Who text messaged you?: Sherrelle
Who broke your heart?: nobody
Who told you they loved you?: My mom
What SuPeR HeRo Would You Be?

You are strong, but a little on the shy side, you are talented. But a word of advice, don't go changing in telephone boths, you can get arrested!
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My Interests

loving my baby, bowling, lifting weights, and playing sports

I'd like to meet:



R&B, GoGo, and Gospel


Bad Boys 1 & 2, Blue Streak, National Security, Black Knight, and Nothing To Lose


Martin, Jamie Foxx, Its Showtime At Da Apollo


Don't read books, that was years ago.
Free Countup Timers at


God, Dad, Mom, and Superman
The Best Of Me
Your Name:: Chris
Nickname(s):: Big Boy
Were You Named After Anything:: No
If you were of the opposite sex, what was your name going to be:: Christina
Birthday:: June 10th
Age:: 38
Gender:: Male
Location:: Fredericksburg
Eye Color:: brown
Hairr Color:: black
Height:: 5'8
Piercings:: one
Tattoos:: one
Righty or Lefty: lefty
Siblings:: 4
Pets:: none
Color:: blue
Restaurant:: Old Country Buffet
Band:: Total Control Band
Song:: Pretty Baby by Eric Benet
Store:: Target
Genre:: N/A
Vacation Spot:: Myrtle Beach
Animal:: Dog
Month:: June
Holiday:: Christmas
Food:: chicken
Drink:: Green Tea
.:This or That:.
Black or White:: Black
Coffee or Cappuccino:: Neither
Lake or River:: Lake
Pool or Beach:: Beach
Hotdog or Hamburger:: Hotdog
Vanilla or Chocolate:: Vanilla
Orange or Apple:: Orange
.:What Do You Use:.
Shampoo:: Suave
Bodywash:: Axe
Perfume/Cologne:: Axe
Conditioner:: Suave
Razor:: Clippers
Lotion:: don't use lotion, i use baby oil
Toothpaste:: colgate
Hair Product:: Bergamont Grease
.:At This Very Moment:.
What are you wearing:: a t-shirt and jeans
What are you listening to:: nothing
Who are you talking to:: Sherrelle
Describe your mood:: fucked up
What else are you doing:: nothing
What do you see out your window:: a bunch of trees
What time is it:: 4:16pm
What do you wish you were doing:: sucking on Sherrelle's titties
.:The Group of Friends... which of you (including you) are...:.
Most Trustworthy:: me
Funniest:: eric
Best Listener:: me
Ditziest:: Sherrelle
Most serious:: me
Shyest:: me
Boy/Girl Crazy:: eric
Loudest:: eric
Hyperest:: eric
Most Out-Going:: eric
Most Reserved:: me
The Newest Groupie:: n/a
The Oldest Groupie:: n/a
Most Intelligent:: me
Craziest:: eric
Spontaneous:: me
Worriful:: me
Pesstimisitic:: sherrelle
Optimisitc:: n/a
Toughest:: me
Quietest:: me
.:Do You Consider Yourself:.
Easily Jealous:: no
Spontaneous:: yes
Out-Going:: yes
Adventurous:: yes
Boy/Girl Crazy:: yes
Attractive:: yes
A Follower:: no
Creative:: yes
Fun:: yes
Energetic:: yes
Funny:: yes
A Bad Influence:: no
A Role Model To Some:: yes
.:Have You Ever:.
Kissed A Stranger:: yes
Slept Outside:: yes
Been On Stage:: yes
Been To The Hospital:: yes
Been In A Wreck:: yes
Danced All Night:: yes
Skinny Dipped:: yes
Did Something You Regret:: yes
Tried Drugs:: no
Been Drunk:: hell yeah
Talked To Someone All Night Long:: yes
Slept Straight for 48 Hours:: no
.:Do You:.
Like Thunderstorms:: no
Sleep With Stuffed Animals:: no
Take Walks In The Rain:: of course
Dance In The Rain:: yes
Lie A lot:: no
Go To Church:: yes
Believe in God:: yes
Believe in Satan:: no
Believe in Heaven & Hell:: yes
Believe in Love At First Sight:: yes
Eat Weird Combinations Of Food:: yes
.:A Little More Personal:.
What's Your Biggest Fear:: heights
Your Weirdiest Dream:: falling from a tall building
Do You Have A Reoccuring Dream:: yes
What Is Your Greatest Strength:: my love
What Is Your Greatest Weakness:: women's ass
What Is Your Worst Habit:: was drinking, don't drink anymore
What Are Your Pet Peeves:: liars
Do You Keep A Journal or Diary:: no
Are You Predictable:: yes
If You Were Someone Else, Would You Be Friends With Yourself:: yes
Are You Gullible:: no
Are You Trustworthy:: yes
.:Let's Be A Little Random:.
What Do You Eat On your Waffles:: butter and syrup
What Do You Eat On Your Hotdogs:: mustard, ketchup, and relish
What Is Your Favorite Color of Socks:: white
Do You Like The Taste of Envelope Glue:: no
How Far Can You Spit:: i don't know
What Color Are Your Toes:: the color they supposed to be
Favorite Scent For A Candle:: vanilla
Your Favorite Televsion Channel:: Tv One
What Is Under Your Left Foot Right Now:: The floor
Are There Things You Want To Tell People But Can't Right Now:: yes
Are You Good At Math or English:: both
Have You Ever Tried to Lick Your Elbow:: yes
Have You Ever Stole Anything:: of course
Have You Been In Love:: yes, still is
Bikini/Tankini/Full Piece:: neither
What Does Your Current Swimsuit Look Like:: i wear swim trunks
How Are You Wearing Your Hair Right Now:: cornrows
What Is On Your Computer Desk:: stuff that's supposed to be on there
Are You Happy With Your Life As It Is:: Yes
What Is Your Maritial Status:: married
Can You Remember Your First Kiss:: no
Any Last Words:: Fuck You and Suck my dick
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