pRefEr To WatCh t.v RatHEr Dan LisTEnINg oN The RAdiO, SurF For SpeLLs Dan LooK For NonSeNsE, ReAd BoOks BUt Not A NoVEL, QuOteS anD JOkes DaN No ENDiNG HELLo!, DaNCiNG buT NoT tOO GooD in SinGIng...hahaha
FoR PeoPLe wHo Can GiVe Me aN aDViCE:
Oh you probably won't rmembr me
8s prbably ancient hs2ry
I'm 1 of the chosen few
Who wnt ahead & fell 4 u
I'm out of vogue, I'm out of touch
I fell 2 fast, I feel 2 much
I tot dat u myt hav some advice 2 give
On how 2 b insensitive
FoR suM1 daT i ShOUld BE LOVe:
I wanna know what turns u on
So I can be all dat & more
I'd like 2 know what makes u cry
So I can be the 1 who always makes u smile....
FoR my CruSh:
I haven't slept at all in days
It's been so long since we'v 2kd
& I have been here many times
I just don't know wat I'm doing wrong...
There's only so much I can take
& I just got 2 let it go
& who knows I might feel better,
If I dnt try & I dnt hope
FoR my X's:
c i aint got no tym 4 games,
& i aint got no tym for lames,
hw u lovin my souther slang,
ooo eee walla bing bang.
so anytime u nid me call,
whether summer,spring or fall,
it dsnt mattr cme 1 cme all,
eithe gt dropd or drop dem [email protected][email protected]
No PaRtiCuLaR DepEnds On my MooD!
moStLy HoRRoR MOVieS...buT i'm NOt inTO BlooDY kiND! uhm... oTher MOviEs... such as MeaN GIrLS, 50 fisrt datES...
FeaR FaCToR, SO.cO., RiPlEy's, WrEStLing!!!!!!! Beauty anD tHE GeeK.. any CHaNeLL!
harry potter & lord of the rings, i love you forever i love you always as long as i'm living my baby you'll be..... anything bout a teacher
No ParTiCULaR BOOk/s...buT I PreFer BooK/s wHIcH i Can ReLate..