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YES WE CAN! Not a whole lot of stuff to tell about me. My name is Josh and I'm 28 years old. I've been married for almost 6 years now and have 2 unbelievably cute kids. I'm a Brewing Technician in Yeast Management (fermentation) at Coors Brewing Company here in Elkton and i've been there for 7 years. Yah, my job is cooler than yours. As I said under my interests, I've got a serious addiction to paintball and spend every available minute playing..(which isn't A LOT of minutes now adays.. so, atleast every Sunday).. Outside of that, I spend my remaining TV time watching UFC and/or any other event which pits two humans knocking each other the hell out in a ring (of course, shitty fake wrestling doesn't count).. That's it!, I'm simple!Currently enrolled in the IBD School of Brewing and Distilling: 2007-Current

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