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Rob B.

I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm 1/16 Chickasaw Indian yet I have red hair. I've slept on Frank Sinatra’s bed. When I break up with a girl, they've been known to go Goth. I was once questioned, polygraphed and suspected of the arson of a county court. I am agile as a tool shed, I splash like water and some call me "Rhaubib." To a family of Philippinoes, I am known only as "Johnny Eggroll." I suck at blowing glass. I have double-jointed shoulders. I checked a US sailor dressed as a giant beer can into the boards at a NHL hockey game. I have been caller number 1. I'm have been an industrial spy, a DOS hacker and a tubist. I have caught red wasps, black scorpions, blue iguanas and clown fish with my bare hands. I have been in juvenile, county, state and federal prison populations, yet never served time. I once roofed a Colorado church with an Angel named Brian. At any given time, I only see out of one eye, unless I'm looking out of the other one. I once caught a mallard with a fishing pole. I was a wanted man in Florida. Cats and dogs and babies love me, yet horses despise me without cause. I once made chili so hot that no one ate it and still won due to the judge's fear. I have seen a ghost, known a vampire and chased a snipe. In some circles, my banana's foster is a thing of legend. I played center for the highest scoring left-winger in NHL history. Asian criminal justice majors defer to my bartending skills. I have filed bankruptcy without ever filing bankruptcy. I always bet on red 19 out of respect for Steve Yzerman. I have climbed a Mayan temple, evaded barracudas and snorkeled the caves of the Yucatan. I sang in a world premiere musical and crooned big band tunes at a Baptist poker night but never gave an encore. I spit sunflower seeds on Andy Pettite's head. I own 65 million year old dinosaur poop. I once carjacked a man for his own good. Many illegal alien construction workers refer to me as only the "good electrician." I agree with the wizard’s first rule. I've never lost a fight I've fought and I've never scored on a shot I didn't take. I know why the answer is "42." My writings are banned in China. I own a diamond that is older than the earth. I have fed a mountain lion by hand. Hot, young, nubile coeds call me "Sir." I have frozen people and shoved them into lava.

My Interests

Manchester United Football, The Dallas Stars, The Dallas Cowboys, Computers, Geology & Politics


The Cult, Rob Zombie, AudioSlave, Filter, Rage Against the Machine, Johnny Cash, Soundgarden, Bone Circus


Your results:
You are Iron Man Iron Man 85% Hulk 60% Green Lantern 60% Spider-Man 55% Catwoman 55% Batman 50% Superman 45% The Flash 45% Robin 42% Supergirl 40% Wonder Woman 25% Inventor. Businessman. Genius.
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

My Blog

.3, my next son

I'm having my third son sometime this April. Unlike my first son's birth, I'm not afraid that I will be a good father. I'm not afraid that i will fail my wife and son in a capacity that I never had mo...
Posted by Rob B. on Mon, 13 Nov 2006 02:51:00 PST

Patience, or my lack thereof

I'm fairly new to the whole myspace thing and it seems fine enough and all. My wife recently loaded on here so she can find folks she went to school with and i think that's pretty cool. I've found a f...
Posted by Rob B. on Mon, 02 Oct 2006 07:09:00 PST

political thought processes explained

Are you a  : Democrat, Republican or Southerner?   Here is a little test that will help you decide.The answer can be found by posing the following question:You're walking...
Posted by Rob B. on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 02:05:00 PST


I have work to do yet I will not do it now it can wait till later
Posted by Rob B. on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 07:53:00 PST