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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

click on image to download my new sexy house mix!!!thnx...:)
HARMONIZED - The study of the structure, progression and relation of chords
"HARMONIZED" is a 2 hour show hosted by the DIGITAL HARMONY DJ's/Producers.
It features 1 hour set from DH presenting much fresh and interesting
music from progressive house scene, including their own production and
followed by 1 hour set from guest. "HARMONIZED" strives to broaden our horizons, where originality and intuitiveness presented by its artists play their part.
Close your eyeís and go on a journey with the atmospheric soundsand a bassline to give you a big upside down smile.
"HARMONIZED" is a sure way to set the tone for your soul.
DIGITAL HARMONY is the first Serbian progressive house organization founded 7 years ago by Milos Tomic a.k.a. DJ Straw. In the beginning career of DH, DJ Straw performed as a solo artist. Within the following year, the company was joined by another group known as CENTRAL CYBER CONNECTION and its co-founders DJ Dusan Kacarevic & DJ Marco Ross. DIGITAL HARMONY has worked all the Belgrade clubs and the rest of Serbian hotspots. The DH sets have fully represented the ever respected Detroit techno, before it got swallowed up by the commercial scene. A trendsetter at best, this musical organization continues to grow and develop a DEEP PROGGRESSIVE HOUSE sound, now including an element of TRANCE to bring you the next trend from the ‘underground’, TRANCY HOUSE!Now that a talented pool of DJs work so closely together, DJ STRAW and Milos Dobrosavljevic a.k.a DJ Bross look on to co-founding another organization, this time focusing on local production. Together these two have gathered a talented team of Serbian producers including: NUCLEO, DIRTY COVER, MANIFEST DESTINY, PION, ULTRA NIGHT, among others. The first Serbian house compilation, “Play Becks” has already received great reviews and strong public support. Next the Belgrade public will be exposed to a sound they have not heard yet. In fact only Subotica has got a glimpse of what is coming from the group PLAY4UNDERGROUND(DJ Miguelle,DJ Creedu I DJ Madd Mat), whose sound is distinct from other electronic subgenres popular thus far. As the name of the group suggests, the sound is truly immersed in the sexy melodies filled with subliminal vocals and deep dark rhythms of the underground. They have already played alongside worldwide renowned: Sister Bliss, Haris, Faze Action, dPen, Afrodrops, SODA Inc, etc.In the near future the plan is to work and strengthen relationships with other producers who have made strong musical imprints in the music industry. Already DH has been successful with the newest addition of talent. Bojan Mushovic a.k.a Dj Hamush has taken over the official designer position and his musical style and extensive experience is about to take DH to the next level. Currently DIGITAL HARMONY is producing a remix of Babak Shayan’s “Believer”, from the original production by Plastic City. This remix surely promises a euphoric chaos on the dance floor, coming to you oh, so soon!
DIGITAL HARMONY prva domaca progressive organizacija, osnovana pre 7 godina od strane Milosa Tomica a.k.a DJ Straw-A.Pre osnivanja DH-a,tjst u pocetku svoje karijere nastupao je kao solo artist i posle godinu dana rada,sa skoro svim dj-ejevima sa domace scene,pridruzuje se organizaciji CENTRAL CyBER CONNECTION koju cine DJ Dushan Kacarevic&DJ Marco Ross.Nastupao je po svim Beogradskim i klubovima shirom Srbije.U pocetku se u njegovim setovima mogao chUti neki sofisticirani detroitski tehno,dok je posle scena krenula da ga guta i prelazi na u to vreme sve popularniji i isto toliko i underground tako zvani FILTER HOUSE koji se zadrzava nepunih dve godine pri njegovom muzichkom izboru.Tokom vremena,i odrastanja, lagano menja svoj muzichki stil uplovljavajuci u vode DEEP PROGRESSIVE HOUSE-a,ili kako su ga momci iz DH Crew-a definisali i DOZIVLJAVALI kao TRANCY HOUSE!!!Straw dolazi na ideju da osnuje sopstvenu organizaciju!!Zajedno sa Dobrosavljevic Milosh-em a.k.a DJ Bross-om,koji se tada uveliko bavio muzichkom produkcijom,a u DJ setovima poceo da biva sve bolji i bolji,okupili su oko sebe kvalitetan tim domacih producenata kao shto su:NUCLEO,DIRTY COVER,MANIFEST DESTINY,PION,ULTRA NIGHT,SOULART i drugi...!!I izdali prvu domacu house kompilaciju pod nazivom PLAY BECKS,koja je naishla na jako dobar odziv i podrshku publike.Zajedno krecu publici da prezentuju zvuk koji do tada nije imala priliku da chuje u nashem gradu,osim malo severnije tjst tacnije u Subotici gde je nekada postojala ekipa PLAY4UNDERGROUND(DJ Miguelle,DJ Creedu I DJ Madd Mat),koji se razlikovao od ostalih elektronskih pravaca.Kao shto i samo ime organizacije govori,muziku karakterishe mnoshtvo harmonichnih sexy melodija,dosta vokala i snazan i neodoljiv house ritam!!Nastupali su sa zvezdama ka shto su:Sister Blis,Haris,Faze Actio,dPen,Afrodrops,SODA Inc...a u buducnosti planiraju saradnju sa ostalim producentima koji su za njih ostavili impresivan muzichki trag za sve ove godine.Trenutno dvojac DH-a radi na remixu BABAK SHAYAN-a za pesmu BELIVER,kojoj sledi izdanje za PLASTIC CITY!!Remix koji trenutno obecava euforichno ludilo na Dance Floor-u...;))!!!!!!Nedavno se organizaciji pridruzio Bojan Mushovic a.k.a DJ HAMUSH,( je trenutno i oficijalni dizajner DH-a,chiji ce muzichki stil i dugogodishnje iskustvo sigurno podici organizaciju na vishi nivo...
The idea of Digi-Sounds as a label dates back in 2004.
Since then, the original mission statement and project vision have changed from supporting the work of many local artists involved with the efforts of the Digital Harmony Organization of Belgrade (and its many friends), to backing and promoting the many established, as well as unsigned artists in the wide region of Eastern Europe, to pushing borders globally, by hunting for true underground feeler sound everywhere.
The author of the project is Bross of Digital Harmony DJs, who heads the label, and is the drive behind a network of collaborators, who facilitate the show.
Digi-Sounds is not bound to a genre, although progressive EDM is, by many, considered its midpoint. Digi-Sounds strives to broaden our horizons, where originality and intuitiveness presented by its artists play their part.
Keep the music high and heads low!
Last night the DJ sHAVEd my WIFE!!!! YEAH,THAT'S ME...

My Interests

music production


deep,house,progressive...sounds like:dPen,DR Kucho,Pole Folder, SODA inc,Babak Shayan,Timewriter, Tery LEE Brown,el Faraouki, Chris Gainer,Paul Rodgers,etc...




ibc,mmm,politika,most, duga,jesenjin i nasha MSA!!!! Milan Radonjic(TAROT) VIDIVITA TANGINA-----


make love like a porn star/jenna jameson



My Blog

Check out this event: 13.01.2008 - digital harmony

Hosted By: digital harmonyWhen: Sunday Jan 13, 2008 at 8:00 PMWhere: vila harmonija :)))neznanog junaka 29abeograd, YugoslaviaDescription:digital harmony Click Here To View Event...
Posted by STRAW on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 04:35:00 PST