The only person I haven't met is a person who can't judge the world with their eyes...Without the visions that was given from up above... One can love everything for what they trully are.... To be able to for seek a love that really comes from within To hate only for a reason that truly punctures the heart... To able to Feel the warm embrace of ones true feelings To be able to accept one for all they got....Would you be able to love a person by looking pass their make up and fancy clothes?Its as simple as 1 and 2.. fall in love with who the person really is... 3 and 4 adore everything about this person...the 7 and begin making mistakes because their always on you mind and you can't think let's bring it back to the 5 and 6 they become all in your mix and your into them no matter what...and they still remain that beautiful angel without everything....