Lantz profile picture


Although Broken, It Alwyas Works!

About Me

You know, there is a time in life when every man must grow up and act his age. Well today isn't that day! I like to laugh, pull pranks on my friends, go out, Ride the four wheeler, wreck and get up and do it again! Im considered a nut case by my friends and worse by me aquaintences. My name is Kenton Miser i love in Iowa Park, Texas at the moment! Knowing more is only a message away! Layout made by Mishka at .

My Interests

I have two interest! they are new and sometimes i dont think they go together! Starbucks white chocolate moca, and Motocross.

I'd like to meet:

I dont know who id like to meet, not into the whole envy thing!


I like alot of the acoustic music, but other than that i like emo and punk, not a big fan of rap, and can handle some country!


Just about any movie there is! Even one called The Harvesters, if you ask I'll explain in more detail!


I only have one channel and for some odd reason i usually wake up to Martha Staurt! Kind of depressing!


Im in college and for know i think books suck ass...


My Dad He is like a best friend and hes always there. Even though we disagree sometimes he always kicks my ass lol, and cracks me up!