I'm AWESOME(tm).
I'm OBSESSED with Road Runner.
I'm similarly OBSESSED with Daffy Duck.
I believe Hazelnut Coffee RULES.
I *HATE* people who WrItE lIKe ThIs.
I also *HATE* people who abuse punctuation!!!!!!!!!!!!111111eleven.
In short, I'm a spelling/grammar Nazi.
I like to Skateboard.
I'm not very good at it :(.
I'm paranoid (seriously).
I don't like Arab communities.
I don't listen to Arabic music.
I don't watch Arabic movies.
I don't see Arabic TV.
I'm a huge fan of Scrooge McDuck.
I find girls cuter WITHOUT makeup.. Except eyeliner!
I'm a *SUCKER* for strong eyeliner.
I talk mostly in English... not to look "stylish", as I'm not a confused 15 year old, no.
I have a highly coordinated plan to take over the world with the aid of Penguins, Duct-taped Turtles and Road Runner. Yes.