Steeler Football, Tennis, cyber surfing, classic rock, and Steeler Football.
Your Element is Water
Your power colors: blue and aqua
Your energy: deep
Your season: winter
Like the ocean, you evoke deep feelings and passion.
You have an emotional, sensitive, and spiritual soul.
A bit mysterious, you tend to be quiet when you are working out a problem.
You need your alone time, so that you can think and dream.
What Element Are You?
Orkut Comments & Glitters , Myspace Comments
Bruce Springsteen. Hines Ward. Bill Cowher. Ben Roethlisberger. Roger Daltry. Pete Townshend. Joe Paterno. Mike Tomlin. Scarlett Johansson's big floppies. (You see that, GCH?? Gay my ass....)
The Who, The Doors, The Boss, U2, Counting Crows, The Stones (pre-"Tattoo You"), Billy Joel, Hair Metal, Coldplay, James Blunt, Tom Petty, Queen, The Killers, The White Stripes. Pretty much all Classic rock except Robert Plant's whiny-ass eardrum bursting screech.
The Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, Tombstone, A Few Good Men, Star Wars (all 6), The Untouchables, Pulp Fiction, The Die Hard Trilogy, The Blues Brothers and anything where Eva Mendes wears something tight.
Too much...thank God for TiVo!!!! But know this:Jack Bauer for President!!!!
Anything by the Man...Stephen King. Especially "It" or "The Stand."
Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, Captain America, The Hulk, Spiderman, Wolveri... What do you mean that's not what they meant?